In episode 13, Dr. K is joined with Michele McCay, RN, BSN, MBA, a nurse wellness strategist, global entrepreneur and an independent consultant who is on a journey to impact the lives of women and help them find their true purpose & GLOW from within! 

Deep inside, we all know that we have this destiny—this purpose—but for many we are still waiting to activate it or just don't know the steps to take to get out of our own way. The outside world has worked hard to convince us that we are only what we see in the mirror. But we are so much more than that. Many of us come up against internal blocks such as limiting beliefs, fear, anxiety, self-doubt, perfectionism that holds us back from coming into our true essence and purpose. Even if someone does have an idea of their purpose, it's easy to drift away from it in a world that continually changes and evolves.

When we walk in our purpose we have more meaning in life which is an important ingredient for better health and wellness.  

In today's episode Michele shares what purposes means for her and what has brought her to this point of purpose in their life…and how having purpose can positively impact every area of one's life.

Key takeaways from Episode 13 to embody your true purpose and create a life filled with happiness, health & freedom:

Nourish your mind and body with your strengths, authenticity, and passions
Practice service, gratitude, patience and self-compassion (finding ones’ purpose is a lifelong pursuit)
Remove internal blocks and unhelpful beliefs, thoughts and negative self-talk
Gain clarity and get clear about what purpose and success means to you
Combine deeper inner embodiment practices such as solitude, meditation, yoga and movement to center and ground yourself. 
Connect to your higher self and spirituality
Connect with coaches, mentors and build relationships with others who can speak positivity in your life and speak to higher parts of you
Tell your story (there is wisdom in our pain---often purpose is birthed from our adversities and challenges)
Stay close to your purpose and passion each day--don't lose sight of your dreams
Take small steps along the way...its not all about "pursuing" purpose's about "practicing" purpose--everyday!

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Michele McCay on major social media platforms-under name--Michele McCay

[email protected]

Disclaimer Note: All information in all podcast episodes are for educational purposes only. Information spoken or heard on this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard or read on this podcast.