My Guest Lesley Logan, seems to have it all. A successful career, a beautiful home, a great husband and a life she loves and she's drop dead gorgeous! So is she very lucky? Was she born with a silver spoon? What's her story?

Lesley is a firm believer in the power of Manifestation and as a Pilates teacher and business coach she instills the power of this belief along with planning and action to her clients. It's what she attributes to her success story.

Has it always been a bed of roses? As any entrepreneur will tell you, there is stress and hard work along the path... but it's the vision and goal that keeps you going. 

You can find out more about Lesley here: @lesley.logan @profitablepilates

To connect with me about anything you've heard on my podcast or about my coaching packages DM me on IG @susanproperyoga or email me at [email protected]