Have you ever felt like there’s more to wealth than just money? In this insightful episode, my husband Greg and I delve into the concept of "invisible wealth," exploring assets that aren’t immediately tangible but hold immense value

"Invisible wealth" refers to assets or resources that are not immediately apparent or tangible but hold significant value to individuals or societies. While financial wealth is often the most visible form of prosperity, there are several other areas of invisible wealth that are equally important but may go unnoticed. If we only measure dollars, other areas are sacrificed. Greg, my husband, and I focus on some of those areas and how some of them impact our lives.

From cultural assets and social capital to human capital and health, we discuss how these unseen riches can profoundly impact our lives. As a financial adviser, Greg has seen both ends of the wealth spectrum and shares his wisdom on achieving a balanced life. We touch on the importance of family, the joy of environmental assets like nature, the power of social connections, and the value of lifelong learning. Our goal is to inspire you to measure happiness beyond financial success and to recognize the wealth you have in various life dimensions.

Recognizing and valuing these forms of invisible wealth is essential for promoting holistic development and sustainable prosperity. While financial wealth is important, it is only one aspect of overall well-being. Investing in social relationships, education, health, environmental conservation, and personal fulfillment enriches lives and strengthens communities in ways that extend beyond monetary measures.

Full article here: https://goalsforyourlife.com/invisible-wealth. Sign up for weekly articles and downloads here: https://goalsforyourlife.com/newsletter

#SkillsKnowledge #MidCareer #FinancialSecurity #FinancialAdviser #BalanceLifeSecrets

0:00 - Introduction
1:29 - Welcome
4:21 - Cultural Assets
9:11 - Environmental Assets
14:40 - Social Capital
19:25 - Human Capital
21:54 - Health and Well-Being
26:32 - How to Be Truly Wealthy
27:13 - Thank You and Goodbye