Why ask “What is a leader?” There are plenty of books, articles and speakers expounding principles of leadership so it seems that answer should be readily available. However, leadership is an attribute that’s in dire need for many organizations, businesses, relationships and lives. An article from Inc.com listed five qualities of someone with bad leadership skills. These include narcissistic tendencies, lack of recognition for good work, treating people like numbers, too much control and lack of communication.

Here, I’d like to approach some mindsets necessary for good leadership. I feel this is important because good leadership in an organization starts with vibrant and healthy self-leadership. Leadership is not merely asserting a strong personality, will or ultimatum, though a result of leadership may include any of those attributes from time to time. A leader is able to guide and influence toward a common goal or objective. They provide direction, inspiration and motivation. Some qualities that apply to both leading others as well as self-leadership are covered here. Full article here: https://goalsforyourlife.com/what-is-a-leader/