When approaching innovation and branding, understand who you serve first. Don’t focus on the solution first. According to Harvard Business Review, statistics tell us that over 70% of innovation fails. With a background as a global innovator, Sue Bevan Baggot learned this quickly as she looked to begin her career at Proctor and Gamble. She was drawn to the company because of their focus on innovative ways of improving people's businesses. Sue worked on helping clients uncover the insights they needed to help them set business or innovation strategies. She discovered that the secret to success is motivation, the continual evolution of information and social contact, personal and professional development, and the ability to promote success across all platforms.

Failure taught her that innovation and creativity alone is not enough to move a product or build a client base. Building trust was crucial and that took time as the company stepped back to ask some important questions. The questions they asked are universal in their scope of application for anyone in business. We will approach four of them here: One: Who are you serving? Two: How can you create value? Three: How can you build trust with uniqueness? and Four: What does empathy look like? Full article here: https://goalsforyourlife.com/innovation-and-branding