In this bonus episode with Allison Morrow, homeschool coach, she speaks of the importance of Deschooling. Deschooling is a period of detoxification from the conventional schooling structure, philosophy and approach to education. It is a simple approach that helps to reignite the child’s interest and excitement of learning by helping them rediscover their own interests. Even though Allison has a background in education, she emphasizes that parents, grandparents or guardians don’t need that same background. They have everything they need, just as they are.

Homeschooling has grown in popularity in the past years with parents wanting to be more involved in the education of their kids, especially as the curtain was pulled back on our current educational system. The highest growth group are among black and Latino families with the importance of family values. There are many resources of support for homeschoolers and Alison provides many references and tools at Many school districts are open to hybrid programs with sports and arts programs—you just have to ask. There are also coops and many support groups, especially for parents who work. A commitment to homeschool doesn’t have to be a lonely journey. There is help! See full article at: