Celebrate with us: this is our 200th episode! We'd love your review! Entrepreneurship freedom is the essential expression of individual liberty. The word comes from the mid-18 century French term to undertake a project. The etymology of the term is from “entre,” to swim out and “prendes,” to grasp or capture. Visualizing this is to break away and chart your own course. Capturing this entrepreneurship freedom is a privilege, yet there has been a cost for that freedom in the past and there’s still a cost today.

Especially when people ask themselves, “What’s next?” there is a big push for entrepreneurial work. Dreams of launching out to start a business or even a non-profit abound with many at this stage of life. There are multitudes of courses and coaches to help with not only the discovery of next steps but the logistics of setting up an entrepreneurial business. But what does it really take and is that journey for everyone? We answer some of those questions about risk of entrepreneurism with a bit of history and reality that will hopefully help some who are thinking of venturing out to make a thought-out decision. 

Full article here: https://goalsforyourlife.com/entrepreneurship-freedom/