You don’t need a psychology degree to unlock a healthy mindset, though this type of higher degree provides tools to make it easier to do research. Ana Melikian, PhD, was born in Portugal and achieved her psychology degree abroad but transformed herself into a life and business coach here in the states. She loves tapping into the human potential and much of what she does dives into neuroscience and cognitive research. According to Georgetown University, neuroscience focuses on the brain and its impact on behavior within the nervous system.

However, life experience plays a very important role for any type of mindset coach and two bouts with cancer has provided plenty of life experience for Ana as well as direct application in establishing a healthy mindset. Fear and inaction are limiting behaviors, fed by limiting beliefs. In this article, timed for the crest of beginning a new year, we will cover some basics of a healthy mindset with steps to uncover possibilities for the future by uncovering blind spots and quieting your inner critic. Full article here: