This is a story about a twelve year old boy named Michael, who was the Innkeeper’s son. He lived in a small town which only had two inns, which kept his father busy trying to get as many customers as he could. Life was always busy, and Michael often wondered if his father really had time for him. His best companion was the family’s mule, Samuel, who couldn’t really talk, but communicated in so many other ways. One night, Mike and Samuel were talking, out under the stars, when Mike asked Samuel, “Do you think God’s too busy for us?” The sky had seemed unusually bright that night. He never got a full answer but suddenly there was a lot of commotion at their small inn. A couple had shown up and were shown to the stable with a young woman soon going into labor! The commotion continued with other guests showing up unexpectedly to visit the newborn baby. What was all this about? Listen to the full short story as it unfolds in a special tale that will warm your heart this season.