Hi everyone, thank you for joining our podcast as Today’s topic is a fascinating episode, as We discover” how time is money, and how to use our energy for our optimal benefit.   01:04 First I would like to ask you: What is time costing you? What if I told you that you could be wasting money by not using your time wisely?  Would you change your ways?   Have you ever heard the phrase  “Time is Money?  Well, time is our most valuable resource and according to the motivational speaker Tony Robbins, he said "the worst investment is to trade your time for money! Why?  Because you can always earn more money. You can never earn more time."   So how are we spending our time?  Are we spending our time wisely for our optimal benefit?    If you are you currently feeling lack of focus, or reduction of energy, possibly even feeling a bit distracted or unfocused?  Not moving in the direction you want?  Un-discipline and overthinking?   We have all been in that funky energy, where we feel as we are on a hamster wheel.    I decided to take the bull by its horns, and researched the best technique, to reduce this unproductive energy from creeping in.    I applied some techniques to my own life that I would like to share with you today.