When we invest in ourselves, we create the leaders of tomorrow.

With the chaos of the pandemic, there are two groups of people coming out of this, the ones who are striving, such as Amazon and Zoom and the others who are blocked by worry because they are frightened. If you are frightened you are not alone, but I am here today, to help you get out of the panic mode and get into a mindset of calm, cool and collected. The most important decision you can make for yourself is to never make financial decisions when you are stressed or emotionally irrational. When you make a financial decision with emotion… then you risk of making bad choices. When you ease the mind and come from a place of calm and grounding, you can see the bigger picture, and look at things with a bird-eye view and you can see your blind spots.  When your brain is operating from fear, it can lead you to make bad decisions. So remember, the aim here is to know your blind spots, and with that comes with understanding when you worry, what shows up for you?