I have a free gift for you, 21 Ways of being headhunted. It is downloadable at www.janetaisyahquek.com/headhunted,(forward slash) spell out

Welcome to Woman Leadership show. I'm Janet Aisyah and in this episode, I will be sharing with you on ways to eliminate momentum killer

- Have a community and like -minded friends who have the same alignment. 
- Establish a routine daily, joined 5am club hear from their stories and how they do it. Model after someone be it your mentor or coach who will hold you responsible to set the routine
- Keep it 21/90 days rule 111 days just like my podcast season 1 to completion fo season 2 111 episodes which is over a span of 111 days from 14 Jan to 3 May. 
- Get support and ask for help from family members
- My helper was back to manila due to emergency and I have new helper to do housework, cooking , ironing so I can focus on my work and plans. 
- I can choose to focus being stay home mum doing housework, cooking , ironing or spending the time focusing on my own mental, emotional, spiritual and physical as well as family. 
- Faith and Family

Key Takeaways
- Write down what you plan then it will get done
- Establish the same routine for every activity so is not like you do only you feel like it 
- Working from home get dressed up just like going to work and get the whole body state mental, physical and emotionally ready to do the work
- Enjoy the process and find one plan that suits you 

I hope that through my sharing, it draws inspiration and personal reflection for you. I believe every woman has the potential to be a leader in your own way. Connect with me through Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin. If you are C-suites, Senior Leader and Woman Leader who like to get your voice heard and be recognized as a leader online, I will like to invite you to schedule a call with me at www.janetaisyahquek.com/coaching.

- I look forward to seeing you in my next episode where I will be sharing with you tips and ways to realize your full potential as a leader on Woman Leadership. 





Money Blueprint for Women Leaders link



21 Ways to be Headhunted


Podcast Coaching for C-suites
