I have a free gift for you, Money Blueprint for Women Leaders. It is downloadable at www.janetaisyahquek.com/money

Welcome to Woman Leadership show. I'm Janet Aisyah and in this episode, I will be sharing with you on whoever has the highest energy wins.
- I was often told by friends and ex colleagues that I have amazing energy 
- In School, I would join few CCA , was head prefect and manage my studies
- In corporate, I would join committees, manage projects and work at the same time/
- After married, will have to manage family and work priorities , learning and building side hustle
- When I was travelling for work with young children, colleagues could not travel or reach office on time

Key Takeaways
- Do what others are not willing to do 
- Be open to experiences, nothing to lose
- Know what are our priorities so we do not let other unimportant matters fill up our calendar and time
- Big rocks and small pebbles 

I hope that through my sharing, it draws inspiration and personal reflection for you. I believe every woman has the potential to be a leader in your own way. Connect with me through Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin. If you are C-suites, Senior Leader and Woman Leader who like to get your voice heard and be recognized as a leader online, I will like to invite you to schedule a call with me at www.janetaisyahquek.com/coaching.

- I look forward to seeing you in my next episode where I will be sharing with you tips and ways to realize your full potential as a leader on Woman Leadership. 





Money Blueprint for Women Leaders link



21 Ways to be Headhunted


Podcast Coaching for C-suites
