This episode is all about the holidays. Holidays can be bittersweet for college students. Whether, going home for the holidays is exciting and comforting or whether going home brings on anxiety and sadness, you probably feel all types of emotions as it get closer to the holiday season. In this episode, we shed light on challenges such as finances, hunger, family issues, and homelessness that college students face during the Thanksgiving and Christmas break. We also discuss uniquely, annoying experiences that colleges students go through during breaks. Lastly, you’ll here that tips on how to make the best of your time off. This episode is a special one as it is co-hosted by Be Preppy’s Latinx/Hispanic Outreach Intern, Maggy Murillo.

After listening, be sure to check out our website for more tips on how avoid holiday blues : Don’t forget to review and subscribe to this podcast.

Host, Dr. Erin Wheeler @erinwheelerphd - Instagram
Co-host - Maggy Murillo @magsssssssssssss - Instagram

Bepreppy @bepreppyllc - Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

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