We are on the search for Dave Castro's 20.5 workout clue. WODDITY will not be hosting a live stream of 20.5, but we know who will be. Reebok has a new Nano.

Wednesday, November 6th, 2019

Good morning and welcome to the WODDITY podcast for news about CrossFit. We are a daily podcast, Monday through Friday, doing CrossFit news in five minutes or less.

My name is Ben Garves and today is Wednesday, the 6th of November, 2019. It is my second day from the road, so recording quality is just a tiny bit lower than normal today. One more day from the road and you’ll have my normal baritone back to swoop you into your daily routine.

Have you given me a five-star rating yet? Because...I could use it. It’s been a very interesting road trip. I’ll write all about it to my Patreons this weekend. Okay, let’s get started with CrossFit news.

What is Dave Castro’s 20.5 Clue?

We are still on the search for Dave Castro’s official clue this week, although he did note in a video on Monday that 20.5 will be unlike anything we’ve ever seen before. That could mean a new rep scheme, time domain, or movement.

How to Watch CrossFit Open 20.5

WODDITY is going to take a brief break from running live streams as we invest in better equipment and better access for you. I am dedicated to providing the best possible and most reliable streams of CrossFit events, so I’m going to skip this week and make sure the next stream we do blows your socks off.

That being said, you can watch the Filthy 150’s stream of the 20.5 workout by going directly to the games.crossfit.com website. I’ll be watching it right next to you, and follow up almost immediately with analysis. The event will be hosted at Reebok’s Boston headquarters and feature two really great athletes: Patrick Vellner and Annie Thorisdottir.

The CrossFit French Throwdown will also be hosting a live stream featuring Streat Hoerner and defending French national champion Willy George.

Reebok’s Nano “PR Hunter”

Reebok’s Nano 9 may just be the most comfortable shoe ever created for CrossFit, and they keep following up with cooler and cooler colorways. Today they announced the release of their Reebok Nano “PR Hunter” which is now officially my favorite shoe. I’ve been making naughty eyes at them every since I received the email. You can get them at Reebok or on the CrossFit Store website.

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And now let’s zip over to the AMRAP Roundup, a new segment where I zip through some of the speedier stories in CrossFit today. This morning I have four big ones I’m sharing with you. Remember, I have links for all of these if you want to learn more. You just have to visit us at WODDITY.com to find the links in my show notes.

AMRAP Roundup

WODAPALOOZA has increased their prize purse. Effectively doubling the prizes they give athletes, the overall prize purse for all divisions is now over $500,000, with $50,000 going to the top athletes. Morning Chalk Up broke the story, which talks about how this prize purse matches the new standard set by the Rogue Invitational and the Dubai CrossFit Championship.Morning Chalk Up dug into Miles, the man who effectively “discovered” Tia-Clair Toomey and pushed her to become a CrossFit competitor. The rest, like Tia’s work ethic and drive, is all history.Sam Briggs was injured while completing one of the heavy clean-and-jerks in 20.4 and is now in a boot. She’s turning her attention to qualifying to the 2020 CrossFIt Games through a Sanctional. Briggs was phenomenal during the 2019 season, qualifying at multiple Sanctionals, through the CrossFIt Open, and even qualifying with a team. She’ll be back.The Granite Games has become a member of the Loud and Live family, alongside WODAPALOOZA, the West Coast Classic, and two other Sanctionals. They’re announcing a shiny new venue today, so I’ll keep you posted when the details come out.

And that’s it for news about CrossFit on Wednesday, November 6th.

If you appreciate the free services I’m providing for the community, whether it’s this podcast, the YouTube athlete videos and news updates, or our live streams, be sure to support the work by zipping into your friendly neighborhood podcast app and giving us a five star rating, a quick review, or even sharing this episode with someone you know will love it. It costs you nothing and means absolutely everything to me. 

I hope you have a great day. For WODDITY, I’m Ben Garves. We will chat tomorrow.