Dave Castro first 20.5 clue came a little earlier this week, with him sharing at the end of his 20.4 workout that the fifth workout will be unlike...

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019

Good morning and welcome to the WODDITY podcast for news about CrossFit. We are a daily podcast, Monday through Friday, doing CrossFit news in five minutes or less.

My name is Ben Garves and today is Tuesday, the 5th of November, 2019. Today I am reporting from the road, so I hope you can forgive the lower-quality recording let’s dig right in with a clue about 20.5.

Dave Castro’s First 20.5 Clue

Dave Castro has been taking to Instagram after completing the CrossFit Open workouts each Monday, and talking through the evolution of each test of fitness. This week continues that streak, with two important takeaways:

First, Castro noted one of the original versions of this test used all pistols for the full six rounds between clean-and-jerks, instead of starting with three rounds of box jumps. Dave notes that, after discussions with the team, that they made changes and he’s very pleased with the outcome.

Second, and most importantly, Dave Castro’s 20.5 clue. He gave us information a little earlier than he normally does, but will likely follow up with a confusing picture on Wednesday. Castro closed his 20.4 workout video with this note:

“Nothing’s going to compare to week five. Nothing. None of the other tests we’ve ever done.”

Whether this means new movements, new rep schemes, or new equipment, only time will tell.

CrossFit Open Leaderboard Update

Alright, I believe I owe you an update on the CrossFit Open leaderboard after scores were submitted for 20.4. Remember, CrossFit will be announcing 20.3 penalties on Wednesday, followed by 20.4 penalties next week. These scores will take some time to finalize, but here are the important notes:

Lefteris Theofanidis remains in the overall lead. We’re expecting him to get hit by a major penalty on Wednesday for his video submission of 20.3, but if he keeps of this work he’ll likely still wind up near the top of the leaderboard.Mat Fraser is back like he never left. His second-place finish on 20.4 bumps him up the leaderboard to second overall.Jeffrey Adler looks like he’ll get an event win for this, and the score moves him up the leaderboard to third.Bjorgvin Karl Gudmundsson’s finish in 62nd moves him down four places to 6th.Tia-Clair Toomey continues to climb the leaderboard, finishing 4th in 20.4 and jumping up to 4th overall.Sara Sigmundsdottir remains in first overall, followed by Annie Thorisdottir. They took second and third in 20.4, turning in impressive times of 11:11 and 12:24, respectively.The winner of 20.4 on the women’s side is a name you probably haven’t heard before: Sasha Nievas from Argentina. So far, Nieva’s score has been evaluated by five judges and only one has noted the score will require modification.

AMRAP Roundup

Our AMRAP Roundup this morning has three stories. Don’t forget you can zip over the WODDITY.com for links to these if you want more.

Cedric Lapointe was assessed a major penalty of 2:30 on his submission for the first workout of the 2020 CrossFit Open. After a successful appeal, CrossFit has now moved Lapointe’s penalty down to what they classify a “minor penalty”. That decreases the penalized time to five seconds, moving him up the leaderboard to finish sixth for that workout.Tommy Marquez has published an article on Morning Chalk Up, listing out the eight national champion races you should be keeping an eye on. I have a link to it in my show notes at WODDITY.com. Competition is heating up in the UK, Denmark, Portugal, France, Japan, and Serbia.Today is the official release of the Fittest in Dubai documentary. You can purchase it from Vimeo or iTunes. I’ve bought my copy and will be watching it tonight when I pull over for the evening.

And that’s it for news about CrossFit on Tuesday, November 5th.

If you appreciate the free services I’m providing for the community, whether it’s this podcast, the YouTube athlete videos and news updates, or our live streams, be sure to support the work by zipping into your friendly neighborhood podcast app and giving us a five star rating, a quick review, or even sharing this episode with someone you know will love it. It costs you nothing and means absolutely everything to me. 

I hope you have a great day. For WODDITY, I’m Ben Garves. We will chat tomorrow.