We dig through the 6 top CrossFit stories today, including 15 year-old Emma Carry, who's dominating in the adult elite category.

Monday, November 4th, 2019

Good morning and welcome to the WODDITY podcast for news about CrossFit. We are a daily podcast, Monday through Friday, doing CrossFit news in five minutes or less.

My name is Ben Garves and today is Monday, the 4th of November, 2019. 

It looks like you survived the weekend and managed to avoid being crushed by falling heavy barbells. Hopefully your knees feel great after those pistols. Let’s not dilly-dally this morning, we are going to jump right in with a CrossFit Open leaderboard update. 

CrossFit Open Leaderboard Update

You get the feeling there are a lot of elite athletes sitting around the world with nervous eyes this morning. Short of Alexis Johnson and Noah Ohlsen, there is a complete lack of elite score submissions on the leaderboard. They’ve taken this uncomfortable game of Fitness Chicken to a whole 'nother level. Ohlsen’s time sits in second at 16:41, and Johnson’s is 3rd at 15:24. We know those will change, as we’ve seen the likes Annie Thorisdottir complete it in an unofficial 12:54.

You know what that means. I will have to circle around with you tomorrow in one of the least-intentional, but ever-so-dramatic cliffhangers of 2019.

With that, let’s zip over to our AMRAP Roundup of the 6 top CrossFit stories today. It was a busy weekend and we have a lot to catch up on. The AMRAP Roundup is a new segment on the WODDITY Podcast where we collect the top stories in a miniature lightning round, and toss them all together in a fitness news salad of sorts. You can find links to every single one of these stories by heading  over to the episode’s show notes on WODDITY.com.


AMRAP Roundup: 6 Top CrossFit Stories Today

Chandler Smith and Noah Ohlsen joined the 5th Special Forces Group in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, where they completed things like the Special Forces obstacle course, the new Army Combat Fitness Test, a marksmanship challenge.Justin LoFranco went behind the scenes of the 20.4 CrossFit Open announcement at Diablo CrossFit last week. He followed Sean Sweeney, Jason Carroll, and Ben Smith around for eight hours and documented every second of it.Joining them for a special Halloween edition of their YouTube series were the Buttery Bros, Marston and Heber.Brittney Kleyn and Scott Henderson at Morning Chalk Up dug into the 20.4 workout, noting that, while pistol squats are making their debut, the big separator in this test is the heavy barbell.I personally thought 20.4 was the most fun I’ve ever had in an Open workout and I couldn’t even get the 185-lb bar overhead. I talked about my feelings this morning on Reddit.Emma Cary is a huge story this season. At 15 years of age, she’s in the top-20 worldwide. The next-closest performance I can think of from a young athlete was Haley Adams, who placed 116th in the world in 2017 when she was only 16. Cary could have an incredible career if she keeps this up. This was also written by Brittney Kleyn at Morning Chalk Up.

And that is it for news about CrossFit for Monday, November 4th. 

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I hope you have a great day. We’ll chat tomorrow about where the 20.4 leaderboard has settled. For WODDITY, I’m Ben Garves.