CrossFit's Fittest in Cape Town took to Instagram yesterday to announce they are postponing indefinitely. Dave Castro posted a picture of a utensil.

Thursday, November 7th, 2019

Good morning and welcome to the WODDITY podcast for news about CrossFit. We are a daily podcast, Monday through Friday, doing CrossFit news in five minutes or less.

My name is Ben Garves and today is Thursday, the 7th of November, 2019. Last day on the road. Thank Dog.

Sporking Around: Castro’s 20.5 Hint

It’s a spoon! It’s a fork it’s…it’s not a spoon or a fork. It’s a spoon AND a fork, but not a spork,’s...a two-in-one utensil! Does that mean we’re doing overhead presses on a rower? Or handstand push-ups while we ride an inverted assault bike? These are things only Dave Castro and our highly-trained panel of exercise science experts at WODDITY could come up with. 

Okay, so Dave Castro has unleashed his latest puzzle upon the world, and it is a utensil with a fork at one end and a spoon on the other. For context, it’s orange and sitting on a wooden table with the fork end toward the camera. Eat this up, because it’s the last Dave Castro clue we get for eleven months. So sad.

Watching the Open 20.5 Workout Announcement

For those who missed yesterday’s episode, I announced WODDITY will not be hosting a CrossFit Open announcement live stream for 20.5 this evening. I’m doubling down on providing you the best free streams of CrossFit events, which means new equipment. I’ll be picking back up where I left off with the Filthy 150, only a few short sleeps away.

In the meantime, you’ll be able to find three really cool live streams at

The CrossFit Filthy 150 Sanctional will be hosting an announcement with Annie Thorisdottir and Patrick Vellner at Reebok’s Boston headquarters.Torian Pro, arguably the largest non-sanctioned CrossFit event will be using 20.5 as an event workout live tomorrow. Participating athletes in the Australian event include a number of members from the CrossFit Mayhem team, including Rich Froning, Tia-Clair Toomey, Tasia Percevecz, and Chyna Cho, along with other CrossFit athlete royalty like Kara Saunders, Maddie Sturt, Jessica Coughlan, Matt McLeod, Khan Porter, Royce Dunne, and Rob Forte.The third stream we know if will be Streat Hoerner and Willy Georges throwing down in France with the CrossFit French Throwdown.

Again, all of these streams can be found directly on the CrossFit Games website. Keep an eye out for analysis on YouTube from WODDITY.

Fittest in Cape Town Cancelled

Yesterday was a very tough day for two of CrossFit’s sanctioned events. Headlining the rough day was CrossFit’s Fittest in Cape Town, who announced they are cancelling their 2020 event, after having their venue pulled from under them. Originally slated for February 6th through the 9th, the venue cancelled on FiCT in favor of a charity tennis match between Roger Federer and Raphael Nadal. After appeals to the venue and through any political avenue they had at their disposal, the event posted a letter to Instagram late last night with the announcement. Headlining comments on the post is Morning Chalk Up, with the ever-so-poignant “That’s redic” with a surprised cat emoji.

The other event hitting the brakes on a venue announcement was the Granite Games, who were set to announce a new location for their championship event yesterday. It looks like things are still being finalized for that announcement and they’ll circle back with fans as soon as they can.

AMRAP Roundup

And now it’s time for our AMRAP Roundup. This new segment on the WODDITY Podcast is a lighting round of sorts, speeding through important headlines to make sure you don’t miss a thing. If you want to read more in-depth, I have links to all of these stories. Just zip over to the show notes at to read more.

Alright: four rounds, or stories, for time:

Tal Short, Reebok’s Product Manager for CrossFit will be at the 20.5 announcement in Boston. He’ll be discussing details about the Reebok Nano.Jessica Griffith took to Instagram yesterday to announce she’s out of competition for the CrossFit Open. Her video submission for 20.4 was rejected for bad math on the weights she used. In the post, she shed some light on the plans she had for the season, to qualify through the Open as an individual and compete on a team for fun at Strength in Depth and the Dubai CrossFit Championship. Her future plans are still to be determined. The team she has been doing qualifiers with include Cody Mooney, Alec Smith, and Dani Speegle.CrossFit did not publish its weekly press release announcing scoring adjustments for 20.3 last night. We’re expecting at least one big scoreboard shakeup, as penalties are likely to be assessed on first place Lefteris Theofanidis for bad measurements. In previous weeks, these announcements have come out on Wednesday evenings.Jessica Danger and Brittany Marsh at Morning Chalk Up have been hosting a weekly podcast called Fresh Cup of Fitness. Their latest episode came out today, talking through prioritizing things in your life.

And that’s it for news about CrossFit on Thursday, November 7th.

Thanks again for being a loyal fan and listener. For WODDITY, I’m Ben Garves. We will chat tomorrow.