Previous Episode: Your Yellow Brick Road

Wellness Commitments
Managing Professional Responsibilities and Development

 Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Education is one of the hardest professions but it also the most rewarding. In an effort to avoid the “burn out” we have to proactively put in place a plan to keep our physical, mental, and emotional heath intact for ourselves.

Finding the strength to focus on your wellness is challenging but necessary to get to the next level as a professional. A healthy mind with a clear vision can take us to places we never thought were possible with the right plan in place. Taking the necessary steps to focus on your personal growth, professional growth, and your pedagogical skills takes a strategic plan and the right mentors for us to be successful as educators. Creating a professional plan can elevate you to the next level to becoming a great educator and position you to help elevated others.

In this episode of Wizard of Ed podcast, you will get tangible strategies to help you develop a wellness and professional development plan. Take a listen to Tracy Spewak and Yuri Thornton walk us through their 4 key points to help you create your personalized wellness and professional development plan.