Previous Episode: Within the Trenches Ep 164

Imagine a bright sunny day on the farm while your son plays outside. You are on your tractor and realize you don’t see your son anymore. Panic sets in…Now imagine your 9-1-1 taking the call of a frantic father who has run over his child. The pain in his voice is haunting...   This is what it’s like, within the trenches.    In this episode, you will hear stories from the IAM911 movement, a movement I started to fight the reclassification of dispatchers from clerical to protective and bring awareness to the types of calls that 9-1-1 dispatchers answer on a daily basis. This episode is the last one for 2017 and it ends with an announcement that I have been teasing for weeks.    Now…you heard the warning at the beginning but I must warn you again and add that if you suffer from PTSD or have suicidal tendencies you are listening at your own risk. The stories you are about to hear are all true and come from the dispatchers who lived them.    While some stories have a good outcome, the majority are horrifying. This is our reality. Your worst day is our every day.    So let’s start with a bang. I want you to imagine each story. Become the dispatcher who has taken each call and imagine listening…