It's the long-awaited episode: WE'RE TOGETHER IN PERSON!

We go over a ton of questions we got from you guys, the future direction of the show, some of the highlights of our week together and more. If you want to watch the visual version of this episode, click here:

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The video has tons of extra clips of us together in it, and the audio on all podcasting platforms has an extra 14 minute clip at the end of us talking sh*t on the beach and just enjoying life. Pick your potion, witches. 

We love you all SO much and we cannot express how happy not only seeing each other made us, but receiving love from you guys watching us and our excitement over being reunited. Now that life is calming down a little bit more, we hope to return to our normal posting schedule, so stay tuned! 


Follow us on IG: @thewitchfulthinkingpodcast

Email inquiries: [email protected]