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Wire Talk with Karen Stubbs

456 episodes - English - Latest episode: 13 days ago - ★★★★★ - 893 ratings

Wire Talk was created to encourage and equip moms throughout the challenging and life-changing journey of motherhood. Each week on Wire Talk Karen Stubbs offers godly, practical advice on the topics every mother has questions about: mom guilt, our children’s faith, potty-training, divorce, our teenagers dating, and more!

Kids & Family parenting faith christian parent motherhood parenting advice
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WT 148: Keeping The Spark Alive

February 12, 2019 09:00 - 24 minutes - 22.1 MB

After being married for a while, it's easy to get stuck in a rut. Especially in the busy years between having kids and becoming empty nesters, it’s easy for our weeks to become a blur of dividing kid duties. This week on Wire Talk, Sunny and Karen talk about getting creative for date night, how to find great babysitters and why we should even bother!  Encouraged by this conversation? Share Wire Talk with a friend and leave us a five-star review in iTunes.  For more encouragement...

WT 147: The Truth About Postpartum Depression with Dr. Michele Harding

February 05, 2019 09:01 - 45 minutes - 41.4 MB

Dr. Michelle Harding joins Sunny and Karen in the studio today to share her professional wisdom and personal experience with postpartum depression. We answer your questions about how to recognize PPD, what to do if you're going through PPD, and how we can be good friends to moms around us walking through a season of postpartum depression. As always, we hope you are encouraged by this conversation!  Like what you heard? Share Wire Talk with your friends and be sure you're subscribe...

WT 146: Handling Discontment in Marriage

January 23, 2019 15:41 - 17 minutes - 16.2 MB

We all walk down the aisle with hearts full of hope, but a few years and a kid or two down the road, we often discover marriage is more work than we thought it would be.  On today's episode Karen and Sunny answer questions from moms struggling in their marriages in different ways; wondering how to stay content, how to get on the same page with their spouse, and even what to do when they aren't sure their marriage will survive. We hope this conversation encourages you to choose joy...

WT 145: Little Miss Sunshine - Parenting Your Yellow Child

January 17, 2019 22:55 - 40 minutes - 55.9 MB

Yellow kids are bubbly, affectionate, fun loving...and they can be exhausting! Today we're wrapping up our series on the four personality temperaments by answering questions all about "yellow" kids. If you've ever wished your child would just stop talking, this is an episode you don't want to skip. For more advice from Karen on the other personality types, listen to episodes 121, 132 and 136.  Read all of our blog posts specific to the personality colors HERE.  Like what you h...

WT 144: Managing Your Family's Schedule

January 10, 2019 17:00 - 19 minutes - 18.3 MB

These days moms work more hours than ever and are usually the primary keepers of the family schedule. Grocery shopping, doctor's appointments, preparing dinner, driving carpool, buying birthday gifts, folding laundry and oh yeah, for many of us there's a little thing called work, too. We're often looking at our calendars and scratching our heads, wondering how we can control them instead of being controlled by them. On today's show, Karen and Sunny answer questions about routine, ...

WT 143: How to Lead Other Moms Well

January 02, 2019 03:59 - 30 minutes - 28.1 MB

Did you know moms all over the U.S. and even across the world gather together weekly or monthly in small groups to learn from Birds on a Wire studies together? On today's Wire Talk we're answering questions from moms who host BOAW groups. Everything from, "how do I get a new group going?" and "how can I get moms to open up?" to "what do I do when I need a break from leading but don't want the group to end?" Tune in to hear the advice Karen has for our BOAW host moms - maybe you'll b...

WT 142: Delighting in the Holidays

December 12, 2018 12:47 - 21 minutes - 19.2 MB

It’s our last episode of 2018 and this year we are doing something we have never done before. Wire Talk is taking some time off! We wanted to take the advice we are always giving moms, and take a break from our usual routine so we can spend the time in between Christmas and New Year's Day resting and enjoying our families. Enjoy this episode all about the holidays and we'll see you back here in 2019! Did you enjoy this episode? Leave us a review and let us know! For more encourage...

WT 141: Parenting When Your Spouse is Often Away

December 04, 2018 01:31 - 28 minutes - 25.8 MB

Being on the same page with your spouse is never simple, and when one spouse is frequently away from home, things get even more complicated. On Wire Talk today, Karen and Sunny answer questions about how to squash resentment, smooth out the re-entry process, and even get dinner on the table when you're flying solo.  Like what you heard? Subscribe and leave us a review in iTunes!  For more encouragement on your journey of motherhood, head over to www.birdsonawiremoms.com/weeklyem...

WT 140: The Emotional World of Kids with special guest David Thomas

December 03, 2018 21:36 - 37 minutes - 34.6 MB

Maybe your teenage daughter suddenly bursts into tears at the drop of a hat or maybe your 9 year old son is constantly slamming the door over math homework. The variety of emotions our kids express in one afternoon can leave us confused and exhausted.  David Thomas, one of our most popular break-out speakers at this year's Soar conference, joins Sunny today to address the questions so many of us have when it comes to our kids' emotional needs. We cover when to lean in and when to ...

WT 139: Surviving the Chaos of the Toddler Years

November 26, 2018 21:40 - 31 minutes - 28.8 MB

Meal times, temper tantrums, their constant desire for your undivided attention ... it seems we can't do enough episodes on how to survive  the toddler years! Many of you are asking, how can we survive the chaos and maybe even enjoy a little bit of these fleeting years? Today Sunny and Karen are addressing your questions and hopefully giving you hope that you CAN do this!  If you enjoyed what you heard, head to www.birdsonawiremoms.com for more encouragement on your daily journey ...

WT 138: Can You Help Me Navigate The Grandparents?

November 13, 2018 21:26 - 21 minutes - 19.5 MB

Just in time for the holidays! On today's episode we're answering your questions on how to handle those awkward, messy, and sometimes frustrating situations that occasionally (okay, maybe often) pop up with the grandparents. Karen and Sunny address boundaries, holiday travel and child care questions. So tune in on that long drive to see your family and we hope you feel ready to engage your family in a healthy way this year.  Like what you heard? Subscribe so you never miss an epis...

WT 137: Teen Mental Health & Suicide Risk Factors with special guest Debbie Causey

November 12, 2018 20:33 - 1 hour - 65.8 MB

Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among students today. As a society we are clearly in crisis, and as mothers, we are fighting on the front line in this battle. Today one of Karen's best friends, Debbie Causey, joins us to talk about her own journey as the mother of a child with mental health conditions. As a mental health professional, Debbie also shares her wisdom on warning signs we can be looking for and the steps we can take to fight for our children's lives.  Even if...

WT 136: Help! My "Blue" Kid Is Making Me Melancholy

November 05, 2018 22:52 - 37 minutes - 34.5 MB

Organized, thoughtful, loyal, precise. Our "blue" kids will grow up to be incredible leaders one day. The only problem is ... today may not be that day. Listen in as Karen and Sunny address questions from listeners all about the blue, or melancholy, temperament. From how to balance their need for quiet with your family's activities to addressing their mood swings without catering to them, this is one episode packed with practical advice for all you moms of little Eeyores!  Read al...

WT 135: How Do I Teach My Kids Gratitude?

October 29, 2018 17:16 - 22 minutes - 21 MB

How many times have you coached your child to say, "thank you" during the younger years? While teaching a two year old to respond politely is one task, teaching a 14 year old to be grateful for opportunities and possessions is entirely another. On today's episode Sunny and Karen answer your questions about instilling gratitude in our children's hearts. Make sure you have your close-toed shoes on mommas, Karen may step on a few toes in this one!  Did you enjoy this episode? Subscri...

WT 135: How Do I Teach My Kids Gratitude?

October 29, 2018 17:16 - 22 minutes - 21 MB

How many times have you coached your child to say, "thank you" during the younger years? While teaching a two year old to respond politely is one task, teaching a 14 year old to be grateful for opportunities and possessions is entirely another. On today's episode Sunny and Karen answer your questions about instilling gratitude in our children's hearts. Make sure you have your close-toed shoes on mommas, Karen may step on a few toes in this one!  Did you enjoy this episode? Subscribe and le...

WT 134: Understanding Sensory Based Behavior with Occupational Therapist Christy Bennett

October 22, 2018 18:23 - 55 minutes - 50.7 MB

Mother and occupational therapist Christy Bennett joins Sunny and Karen in this episode to dive into sensory based behavior. We discuss what sensory behaviors are and how to provide the sensory stimulus (or lack thereof) that your child is craving. Christy also answers your questions on how to talk to teachers about your child's specific needs and how parents can advocate for their child in the school system and in situations with other adults (coaches, church leaders, etc.)  Like...

WT 133: What Do I Do About Mean Girls?

October 09, 2018 21:05 - 22 minutes - 20.6 MB

We may love to quote Lindsay Lohan in Mean Girls, but no one thinks it's funny when you encounter a real-life mean girl. On Wire Talk today Sunny and Karen answer your questions all about girl drama. From playdate peer pressure to the high school hierarchy, how do you equip your daughter to handle mean girls and the yuck that inevitably comes along with some female relationships? Whether your daughter is 3, 13 or 30, tune in to hear Karen's thoughts, and be encouraged that you can m...

WT 132: Gaining Understanding of Our 'Greens'

October 07, 2018 02:33 - 34 minutes - 31.7 MB

Peaceful, easy-going, conflict-avoiders ... however you describe them, to a parent who doesn't understand their motivations, 'green' kids can be a mystery. Today Karen and Sunny discuss teaching our greens to take responsibility for themselves when they are younger and how we can help them handle the pressures that come along with high school when they get older. Whether or not you have a green child, we think you'll learn something new when you tune in.  For Karen's blog posts ab...

WT 131: Intimacy After Babies with special guest Dr. Mike Sytsma

October 01, 2018 20:03 - 50 minutes - 45.8 MB

Today we have a much anticipated episode for you! With us in the Nest studio is Dr. Mike Sytsma. Dr. Mike has been a break-out speaker the past several years at our annual Soar Conference. He is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the state of Georgia, a Certified Sex Therapist, and a Certified Sexual Addictions Specialist. He's also an ordained minister who is passionate about marriage and helping couples grow in their marriage. We are so glad he is hear to provide expert level ...

WT 130: How Do I Create a Peaceful Home? [RE-AIR]

September 21, 2018 17:59 - 41 minutes - 38.3 MB

We often talk about bringing peace to the world, but what about bringing peace to your home? On the last of our month-long series of re-broadcast episodes today, Karen doles out advice on everything from creating a family routine and what do when the kids come to you with the dreaded, "I'm bored!" to how to handle differences between you and your spouse when it come to chores and household maintenance. As always, we hope you take away a nugget of practical advice that helps you main...

WT 129: How Do I Re-Connect with My Spouse After Kids? [RE-AIR]

September 17, 2018 17:36 - 44 minutes - 40.3 MB

When children enter the picture, your life changes forever. Your sleep habits change, your diet is changed, your schedule is changed and the amount of laundry you do definitely changes. As your child grows, some of these areas in your life get back to normal, except for your laundry ... that continues to build! The addition of children changes your marriage too. So how do you balance life with children and your spouse? It's hard to do, and let’s be honest, sometimes our spouses ar...

WT 128: How Do I Create A Balanced Life? [RE-AIR]

September 07, 2018 21:33 - 37 minutes - 33.8 MB

How do you keep a balance between kids, marriage, work, spirituality, and time for yourself? On today's re-broadcast of a Wire Talk favorite, Karen tackles a broad variety of questions moms constantly ask. Is balance possible? And what does a balanced life even look like? Tune in to hear Karen's straightforward advice as always!  Like what you heard? Visit www.birdsonawiremoms.com/weeklyemail for encouragement delivered directly to your inbox every Tuesday morning. 

WT 127: How Do I Overcome Mommy Guilt? [RE-AIR]

September 04, 2018 01:50 - 23 minutes - 21.4 MB

Moms, the feelings of guilt are REAL. We feel guilty being late to get our kids at daycare and guilty for not staying late at the office. Guilty for taking them to Chick-fil-A for dinner and guilty that we DIDN'T take them to Chick-fil-A for dinner! That's why we love what Karen has to say about guilt and how we can shake free of what can feel like a constant burden to us as mothers. We hope this episode gives you a practical way to overcome your mommy guilt and leaves you encourage...

WT 126: Can You Please Help Me Get Some Sleep?

August 28, 2018 00:49 - 24 minutes - 22.1 MB

If anything is a universal experience among mothers, it's sleep deprivation. Whether you're nursing through the night, have a toddler who climbs into your bed too early in the morning or you're staying up late to take advantage of a finally quiet home ... moms know what it's like to miss out on sleep.  Listen in for Karen and Sunny's practical advice on how to get the sleep both you and your kids need!  Like what you heard? Visit www.birdsonawiremoms.com for more encouragement f...

WT 125: How Do I Handle My Sweet Little Liar?

August 21, 2018 00:03 - 26 minutes - 24.5 MB

Lying is one thing we never teach our kids how to do and yet somehow they figure it out all on their own. On today's episode Karen shares her thoughts on how to discipline when you're not sure which child is lying, what the difference is between tattling and confessing and how to encourage honesty between teenagers.  Like what you heard? Visit www.birdsonawiremoms.com for more encouragement in your daily walk of motherhood.

WT 124: Managing the Homefront

August 13, 2018 19:26 - 28 minutes - 25.7 MB

Whether you're a working mom or a stay at home mom, studies show that women tend to bear the brunt of the work in and around the home. On today's episode Karen and Sunny answer questions from moms about household chores, fighting with our kids over mealtime and how to ask for help from our partners. We love that Karen tells one mom to let it go, one mom to ask for help and one mom to get a maid! Stay tuned 'til the end to hear Karen's #1 hack for keeping your house tidy. Like what...

WT 123: Back to School

August 06, 2018 20:12 - 19 minutes - 18.2 MB

Whether your kids have already headed back to school or the yellow bus will be rolling around the corner in the next few weeks - today's episode is for all moms with school-age kiddos. From getting out the door in the morning to checking homework at night, Karen doles out practical wisdom to help you and your kids thrive this school year. Don't miss Karen's advice for those of you suffering from volunteeritis (the inability to say no when asked to volunteer at school) and stay tuned...

WT 122: Finding Your Purpose with Candace Cameron Bure

July 25, 2018 22:24 - 32 minutes - 29.7 MB

We've got a fun one for you today moms! Candace Cameron Bure, actress, mom and as she often points out, first and foremost a follower of Jesus, joins us to talk about faith and family. We love Candace's words of encouragement for young mothers and think that wherever you are in your journey of motherhood, you'll benefit from the reminder in this conversation that our primary purpose in all that we do is to glorify God.  If you like what you've heard, subscribe in iTunes! And don't...

WT 121: How Do I Parent My "Red" Strong-Willed Child?

July 21, 2018 15:08 - 28 minutes - 26.5 MB

Those strong-willed kiddos - phew! We know they'll be leaders one day, but what do we do TODAY when they won't listen or are constantly pushing back against us? In this discussion, Karen and Sunny take questions about these strong personalities; how do we effectively discipline them? How do we establish our authority without crushing their spirits? How do we teach them to harness their innate confidence without being aggressive or coming across as a bully?   We hope this convers...

WT 120: When Multiple Personalities Collide

July 15, 2018 16:00 - 28 minutes - 26 MB

On today's show we talk about what happens when all of your darling children’s personalities collide. We talk about the fighting and bickering that is so common among siblings as well as how we moms can give to each of our children so they feel known and loved. Karen and Sunny chat about what it feels like to be the mom caught in the middle and offer their insights into how we can maintain a peaceful home in the midst of what often feels like chaos.  If you like what you heard, su...

WT 119: How Do I Communicate Well With My Mom (Or My Mother-In-Law!) About My Kids?

July 10, 2018 01:22 - 27 minutes - 25.5 MB

Becoming a mom changes everything - but some of those changes catch us completely off guard. On today's episode Karen answers your questions about how to communicate with your own mother (or mother in law!) now that your kids are a part of your relationship. Karen also answers a question from a mom about how to talk to her adult son - this is one episode you don't want to miss!   Like what you heard? Visit www.birdsonawiremoms.com for more encouragement on your journey of mother...

WT 118: I Want It All & I Want It Now

July 02, 2018 15:08 - 38 minutes - 35.3 MB

Today's episode is all about finding contentment mommas. Karen answers questions about comparison, entitlement and allowances in this episode about learning to be content in our lives. Tune in to hear Karen's wisdom about how we can pass on to our children the peace that comes from running your own race at your own pace. If you like what you heard, subscribe in iTunes so you never miss an episode! And sign up for weekly encouragement in your inbox by visiting www.birdsonawiremoms....

WT 117: Why Is Mom Life So Lonely?

June 25, 2018 19:23 - 23 minutes - 21.8 MB

We’re getting real about how lonely and isolating motherhood can be on Wire Talk today. Karen talks about her time as a young mom living away from family and friends when Greg was in the Navy, offers advice to a single mom wondering how she can relate to all of her married friends and gives a brand new mom tips on making and being a good friend.  If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe and leave a review in iTunes and be sure to check out www.birdsonawiremoms.com for more encourage...

WT 116: Technology & Your Kids with special guest Tom Shefchunas

June 11, 2018 17:18 - 56 minutes - 51.5 MB

Today’s episode is really important moms and because we wanted to get it right, we called in an expert. Today Tom Shefchunas joins us in the Nest to talk about technology and our kids. We were incredibly grateful he could share his expertise with us and we look forward to hearing more from him as a break-out speaker at this year’s Soar conference! Visit www.birdsonawiremoms.com for more encouragement on your journey of motherhood. And, don't forget to subscribe and leave a review ...

WT 115: Honoring Dad with special guest Greg Stubbs

June 08, 2018 20:31 - 32 minutes - 29.4 MB

In honor of Father’s Day next weekend (hint hint ladies) today on Wire Talk we're answering your questions all about dad! Since we're not dads ourselves, we thought it made sense to bring in a real-life dad to offer up his thoughts, so Greg Stubbs joins Karen and Sunny in the studio today with his thoughts on everything from good Father's Day gifts and traveling for work to how we can communicate effectively with our husbands. Listen in for Greg's wisdom on fatherhood and so much mo...

WT 114: How To Survive Summer

June 04, 2018 12:29 - 23 minutes - 21.2 MB

On today's episode of Wire Talk we are answering questions about how as moms we can make it through the dog days of summer. From how to make vacation actually feel like vacation when there's so much work involved, to helping our kids learn to entertain themselves ... listen in for Karen's practical answers and encouragement on making this a great summer for your kids and you too momma!  If you enjoy Wire Talk, subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review! And don't forget to visit ww...

WT 113: I Want To Do It All, But I'm Just SO Tired

May 29, 2018 02:18 - 19 minutes - 18.3 MB

On today's episode of Wire Talk, Sunny and Karen answer questions from moms who are feeling overwhelmed by all they have to manage day to day. From working to intimacy, bedtime talks with kids to keeping the house clean, listen in to hear Karen's thoughts on what needs to be a priority and what can be let go in the midst of busy seasons.  Like what you heard? Visit www.birdsonawiremoms.com for more encouragement on your journey of motherhood. And, don't forget to subscribe and l...

WT 112: Anxiety in Motherhood with Special Guest Dr. Emily Shupert

May 21, 2018 10:00 - 38 minutes - 35 MB

Today we are here with Dr. Emily Shupert of Simplify Life Counseling to talk about anxiety and how it affects us as mothers. Dr. Shupert is a licensed professional counselor in the Atlanta area - in her practice she integrates psychology with theology and in particular loves helping clients work through anxiety and depression. We hope this episode brings you hope and help if anxiety as a mother has been a struggle for you! 

WT 111: Raising Older Girls

May 14, 2018 18:17 - 26 minutes - 24.4 MB

Today we're wrapping up a 4 part mini-series focused on raising boys and girls. In this last episode of the series we are taking questions from moms about their pre-teen and teenage daughters - we even have a question coming from a grandmother on the show today which we love! Tune in if you're wondering how on earth to have "the talk" with your girls, if social media concerns you or if gossip has taken a hold of your daughter's heart.  Like what you heard? Subscribe today and leav...

WT 110: Raising Little Girls

May 07, 2018 19:32 - 26 minutes - 24.1 MB

Today we're talking all about little girls. This is the 3rd episode in a mini-series focused on raising boys and girls. For the last two weeks we tackled tough questions from boy mamas and today we are switching gears to talk about raising little girls. Tune in if sassiness, body image or competition between sisters is something you've ever dealt with!  Like what you heard? Subscribe today and leave us a review in iTunes! Visit www.birdsonawiremoms.com for more encouragement in ...

WT 109: Raising Older Boys

April 30, 2018 18:58 - 28 minutes - 25.8 MB

Being a boy mom is not for the faint of heart! On today's episode Karen and Sunny answer questions from moms that will make you laugh and might even make you cry. We tackle body odor, pornography and Karen suggests how single moms can fill the gap when Dad isn't around as a role model for their boys. Like what you heard? Visit www.birdsonawiremoms.com for more encouragement and make sure you subscribe and leave a review in iTunes! 

WT 108: Raising Little Boys

April 19, 2018 21:33 - 24 minutes - 22 MB

We are excited to bring you the first episode in our mini-series all about Raising Boys & Girls today. In this episode we are fielding questions from boy moms - specifically moms with little boys. Body odor and hormones here we come! What a privilege and what a challenge to be a boy mom huh? If you love Wire Talk, visit www.birdsonawiremoms.com for more encouragement for your journey of motherhood and subscribe in iTunes so you never miss an episode! 

WT 107: Handling Conflict With Our Husbands

April 16, 2018 12:47 - 28 minutes - 25.6 MB

Today's episode is all about spouses and how we handle conflict with them. No biggie right? We’ve got questions on everything from intimacy and discipline to finances. Don't miss the teaser Karen sneaks in about the new curriculum she and Greg are developing! If you love Wire Talk, visit www.birdsonawiremoms.com for more encouragement for your journey of motherhood and subscribe in iTunes so you never miss an episode!   

WT 106: Raising a Child with Special Needs (with guest Kimber Burgess)

April 09, 2018 01:03 - 33 minutes - 30.4 MB

Today we are speaking with Kimber Burgess, a friend of the show and incredible mom raising a child with special needs. We know many of you also have a child with special needs and we hope this conversation encourages you. This episode is packed with incredible wisdom for us all, including ways you can encourage the families of children with special needs in your community.  If a mom of a child with special needs comes to mind, share this episode with her so she can be encouraged tod...

WT 105: Is There A Right Way To Be A Working Mom?

March 30, 2018 02:02 - 21 minutes - 19.5 MB

There's no 'right' way to be a working mom and of course it's not 'wrong' to be a working mom either! On today's episode Karen and Sunny take questions from moms about work, work-life balance and all the emotions that come along with navigating this part of life once kids enter the picture. If today's episode encouraged you, visit www.birdsonawiremoms.com for more encouragement on your journey of motherhood. And, don't forget to subscribe and leave a review on iTunes!

WT 104: How Do I Get Through To My Tween

March 26, 2018 19:08 - 30 minutes - 28.2 MB

The middle school years are a time of change and awkwardness that most of us would never willingly return to, but they are also the time when you really start to see the adult your child is going to be emerging. The tween years don’t have to merely be endured, I promise you can enjoy them mom!

WT 103: How Do You Parent the Kid God Gave You?

March 17, 2018 04:22 - 28 minutes - 26.1 MB

Wire Talk is a podcast designed to encourage and equip moms by answering your questions about motherhood, hopefully helping you maintain your faithfulness to God while experiencing a peaceful life on your journey.

WT 102: How Do I Figure Out What Good Discipline Looks Like?

March 06, 2018 20:34 - 22 minutes - 20.9 MB

Wire Talk is a podcast designed to encourage and equip moms by answering your questions about motherhood, hopefully helping you maintain your faithfulness to God while experiencing a peaceful life on your journey.

WT 101: Where Did All These Mom Emotions Come From?

March 05, 2018 21:03 - 27 minutes - 25 MB

Wire Talk is a podcast designed to encourage and equip moms by answering your questions about motherhood, hopefully helping you maintain your faithfulness to God while experiencing a peaceful life on your journey.

WT 100: A Candid Conversation with Karen's Kids

February 27, 2018 00:17 - 41 minutes - 38.1 MB

Wire Talk is a podcast designed to encourage and equip moms by answering your questions about motherhood, hopefully helping you maintain your faithfulness to God while experiencing a peaceful life on your journey.


Beth McCord
1 Episode