Hello…this is Bo Kauffmann of Remax in Winnipeg, with your real estate news for… Sunday, March 26th, 2023…


Today is Epilepsy awareness day, and National Spinach Day and National Nougat day. Spinach doesn’t deserve a day…….but I digest

Spring time Sundays mean Open Houses. If you’re planning on attending an open house in your city, remember that the agent there, works for the Seller. Try to keep your oohhs and aaaahs to a minimum, as they may weaken your negotiating position if you do want to make an offer.

Also remember that you do have the right to be represented by your own agent, even after visiting the open house.

Here are 6 questions you should ask the open house agent.


1)   How long have the sellers lived here?

You want to determine whether this is a flip house, or a loved family home.


2)   How long has the home been on the market?

If it’s been up for a long time, have they had price adjustments?


3)   How much are the heating costs?

Especially important in older homes, which had originally been insulated with newspaper clippings.


4)   Has the seller done any renovations or additions?

If so, have they pulled the necessary permits, and obtained the follow up inspections


5)   Is the seller making any disclosures?

Sellers must make disclosures of ‘hidden defects which could affect structure or health issues”.


6)   Has the seller had any offers?

Good to know if they’ve turned down offers or how much action there has been on the home.


Don’t let heavy foot traffic intimidate you into thinking that the house will sell today. Spring time open houses see a lot of action, and much of it is by tire-kickers. If you’re interested in the home, thank the agent, and call your own realtor asap to book your private showing for a 2nd, more indepth look.




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