Hello…this is Bo Kauffmann of Remax in Winnipeg, with your real estate news for…  Friday, March 24th, 2023…

Today is National Cheese-steak day, and National Cocktail day.  Spoiler alert;;;  I’ll be celebrating BOTH.

Good news for home-owners:  The provincial budget for 2023 has been announced, and the cost of education is being increasingly funded from general revenues, and less from homeowner property taxes.

This is something our real estate board has been advocating for a long time.  In this years budget, homeowners will see a 50% refund of the education tax portion of their property tax bill.  An estimated average saving of $775 per home.

Tomorrow is the day of Earth Hour.  In addition to turning off our lights for 1 hour in the evening, here are a couple of tips to help us all be a little more eco-friendly.

Replace any remaining incandescent light bulbs with long lasting, power friendly LED bulbs Buy reusable shopping bags and don’t forget them in the car, like I always do Stop using single-use plastics.  If you have plastic cups, wash them and reuse them. Install low-flow shower heads and take shorter showers. Instead of buying drinking water in plastic bottles, invest in a good quality filter, and fill reusable bottles. Don’t throw out old clothes and household goods:  Donate them to a local charity such as Annie’s Attic Thrift shop at 1560 Main St.  They will resell these items and use the money to support their animal shelter.

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