Soulflow is an embodiment practice that is done through movement, mantra and dance. It is like tapping into that inner core wisdom that we have inside our soul but we don’t know what’s there.
The process will take around 7-9 minutes. In the beginning of the process, people will be put into an intention and a little bit of meditation where we can get mindful of our breathing and start to get into that state where we start listening to what our body is telling us. Through music, the body will start moving and dance. We need to turn off the mind and start putting into our soul and our heart and just allowing the music to move us. In this way, we start to settle into our nervous system and start to make new neuropathways.
“It’s hard to be well if you’re not resilient.” — Brenda Juby
It is significant that we strive for maximum health because holistic health is what everyone deserves. Each part is interrelated and intertwined with each other as it entails everything. It’s when we’re aware of all of it and we’re striving for the best outcomes, we have our best potential, then we can be resilient. When we’re resilient, we‘re able to handle life better. Resiliency is also about understanding our strengths and our challenges. It’s not about negating challenges because we all have them. It takes strength to acknowledge that resilience looks different for everybody and celebrating wins, even the small ones, goes a long way.
Wellness starts with us. No health care provider can do it for you. They can support or walk alongside you but you’re the one who has to do it. Your mind, body, and spirit are the whole picture. The ultimate thing that will keep you always striving is for you to be ultimately healthy, preventive and proactive.
Health and wellness are not for special people only because everyone deserves wellness and to be happy in life. It takes some practice to finally make it a habit but you start from one thing at a time and from there, change happens. It’s about understanding the purpose of what you want to do in the habits.
“Health and wellness is a journey. It’s something that has ups and downs but we just need to be able to move with the flow.” — Brenda Juby
Wellness Nuggets:
●       Soulflow has no choreography. You just have to listen to the music and let your body move whatever way it wants to move.
●       In Soulflow, everyone is encouraged to close their eyes so that they’re not conscious of others and for them to move freely.
●       You, as a person, are the expert of your life.
●       Anything that’s happening in your own wellness is your journey and if it doesn’t resonate with your being, don’t do it.
●       Dark chocolate got some healing benefits.
●       Health can be compared to a tire. When a tire has a very slow leak, it’s very easy to reverse that leak. You have a tire that's gonna massive gouge out of it. It's a whole process to go back into healing that tire or making it be able to sustain air.
●       Health does not have to be expensive. It can be as simple as meditating, asking yourself how have you been or even taking a walk.
We invite you to ignite the Wellness Warrior in YOU!
About the Guest:
Brenda Juby is an international bestselling author, mentor, Soulflow embodiment facilitator, and speaker. Previously as a Registered Nurse and educator in the health care field. Brenda empowered students and staff to explore their ways of thinking so they could tap into their inner resilience and improve both their personal and professional lives. Brenda has experienced many life-changing events which awakened her spirituality and provided her the opportunity to understand how the experiences even challenging ones enhanced her life. She now takes these powerful learnings and shares them with others to inspire hope and provide...

Soulflow is an embodiment practice that is done through movement, mantra and dance. It is like tapping into that inner core wisdom that we have inside our soul but we don’t know what’s there.


The process will take around 7-9 minutes. In the beginning of the process, people will be put into an intention and a little bit of meditation where we can get mindful of our breathing and start to get into that state where we start listening to what our body is telling us. Through music, the body will start moving and dance. We need to turn off the mind and start putting into our soul and our heart and just allowing the music to move us. In this way, we start to settle into our nervous system and start to make new neuropathways.


“It’s hard to be well if you’re not resilient.” — Brenda Juby


It is significant that we strive for maximum health because holistic health is what everyone deserves. Each part is interrelated and intertwined with each other as it entails everything. It’s when we’re aware of all of it and we’re striving for the best outcomes, we have our best potential, then we can be resilient. When we’re resilient, we‘re able to handle life better. Resiliency is also about understanding our strengths and our challenges. It’s not about negating challenges because we all have them. It takes strength to acknowledge that resilience looks different for everybody and celebrating wins, even the small ones, goes a long way.


Wellness starts with us. No health care provider can do it for you. They can support or walk alongside you but you’re the one who has to do it. Your mind, body, and spirit are the whole picture. The ultimate thing that will keep you always striving is for you to be ultimately healthy, preventive and proactive.


Health and wellness are not for special people only because everyone deserves wellness and to be happy in life. It takes some practice to finally make it a habit but you start from one thing at a time and from there, change happens. It’s about understanding the purpose of what you want to do in the habits.


“Health and wellness is a journey. It’s something that has ups and downs but we just need to be able to move with the flow.” — Brenda Juby


Wellness Nuggets:

●       Soulflow has no choreography. You just have to listen to the music and let your body move whatever way it wants to move.

●       In Soulflow, everyone is encouraged to close their eyes so that they’re not conscious of others and for them to move freely.

●       You, as a person, are the expert of your life.

●       Anything that’s happening in your own wellness is your journey and if it doesn’t resonate with your being, don’t do it.

●       Dark chocolate got some healing benefits.

●       Health can be compared to a tire. When a tire has a very slow leak, it’s very easy to reverse that leak. You have a tire that's gonna massive gouge out of it. It's a whole process to go back into healing that tire or making it be able to sustain air.

●       Health does not have to be expensive. It can be as simple as meditating, asking yourself how have you been or even taking a walk.


We invite you to ignite the Wellness Warrior in YOU!

About the Guest:

Brenda Juby is an international bestselling author, mentor, Soulflow embodiment facilitator, and speaker. Previously as a Registered Nurse and educator in the health care field. Brenda empowered students and staff to explore their ways of thinking so they could tap into their inner resilience and improve both their personal and professional lives. Brenda has experienced many life-changing events which awakened her spirituality and provided her the opportunity to understand how the experiences even challenging ones enhanced her life. She now takes these powerful learnings and shares them with others to inspire hope and provide hope and help them create resilience.

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About the Host:

Jenny Ryce is a Mindset and Accredited Executive Coach, speaker, podcast host and the President of Your Holistic Earth, a global community advocating holistic wellness, connection and professional collaboration.

Jenny is passionate about connecting others to the power of mindset and wellness. When she is not pursuing her professional passions, Jenny can be found spending time in nature, getting grounded and finding inspiration.

Jenny is the proud mother of two amazing daughters and the wife of a military veteran. You will often hear her say that they fuel her passion.

It is time to redefine your wellness and experience first-hand what Winning with Wellness can do. Jenny believes that you should always capitalize on your greatest asset, YOU.


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This podcast (including any/all site pages, blog posts, blog comments, forums, videos, audio recordings, etc.) is not intended to replace the services of a physician, nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Information is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use the information on this podcast for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition. If you have or suspect you have an urgent medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. Any application of the recommendations in this podcast/website is at the listener/reader's discretion. The views and opinions expressed are those of guests and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or policy of Jenny Ryce, Jenny Ryce Coaching, Winning with Wellness podcast and Your Holistic Earth Inc. The before mentioned are not liable for any direct or indirect claim, loss or damage resulting from use of listening/reading to this podcast or any website and/or any website (s) linked to/from it. Listeners/readers should consult their physicians concerning the recommendations in this podcast.

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