You can truly shine and attract your desires!

Rosalyn shares how the power of alignment is the ability to step into your own accountability, and her belief that wellness is when our life is inflow. We discuss how to acknowledging our own triggers and the value of determining if they serve and support us. We dig into getting curious about our co-creation in situations and determining the impact. Also what it means to consider connecting to your higher power. For Rosalyn life is all about evolving and mastering soul lessons.

“At the very core, we want to feel love, safe and belong” - Rosalyn

Rosalyn defines alignment as showing up authentically and not hiding your truth for fear of other's opinions, fully expressing who you are.

Wellness Nuggets;
Write it out – determine your goals, big dream, step into visioning.
Build a relationship with mediation – guided or not whichever resonates with you. This will provide you with the opportunity to get quiet to listen to yourself.

“People are always judging don’t let that drive your bus” - Rosalyn

We invite you to Ignite the Wellness Warrior in YOU!

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