On today’s show, we’re jumping into a subject that has been known to be controversial, misunderstood, and even more misapplied, and that’s the subject of healing. All of us—at one point or another—have dealt with sickness in our body. And undoubtedly, we know and love people who’ve dealt with sickness and disease in their body, whether treatable or terminal. So as disciples of Jesus, that leaves us with many questions oftentimes, questions such as: Is healing possible today or is just a fluke of science? Why don’t more people pray for the sick? Does God give people sickness and disease? Why do some people get healed and others not receive healing? What conclusion do we land upon when someone we’ve prayed for and love very much isn’t healed and instead dies? Honestly, when healing doesn’t manifest, I think the greatest hurdle we then face is dealing with disappointment. Because, at least in my own life, disappointment in this very area has posed a huge challenge to not create a theology that is based upon my personal experience, but one that is based upon the truth of the Word of God. So, joining us today to tackle this issue is a man who has received both education and experience with healing—when it happens…and when it doesn’t. And his name is Randy Clark. Randy Clark, an internationally-known speaker whose career spans 44 years, possesses both a Doctor of Ministry and a Master of Divinity degree. Like many believers, he suffered persecution, experienced failures, and witnessed disappointments, but Randy let none of these detour his heart’s course to see people experience total freedom, body, soul, and spirit. Randy has stood steadfast in his beliefs and resolved to see the Lord’s blessing in his life, especially in the areas of healing, deliverance, and impartation. Since a life-changing night in 1994, Randy has traveled to over 50 countries and continues to travel extensively to see that God’s mandate on his life be fulfilled. This conversation is challenging, and I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t have answers to why things happen (or don’t happen). So my posture today is both of a learner and a person passionate about pressing past cookie-cutter Christianese answers in order to discover the heart of Jesus through His Word and through the aid of the Holy Spirit. And I hope yours is too. Review “Win Today” Click here to read the ratings, or even better, please leave me a rating and review on iTunes. Your rating will help the podcast get noticed and positioned on iTunes. What Listeners Are Saying… “So great to find a podcast that is both encouraging and challenging! It is professionally produced, yet still has an informal feel like I’m hanging out with Chris… And frankly, I’d love to hang out with him! I really appreciate his heart and have been able to apply many of his topics in my life to help me grow professionally, physically, and relationally. A+!”
