It is so difficult to pick which type of episode is our favorite. We love them all. But today, with just the basic crew of Sensei Jackie, Landyn, myself and another old karate adage we manage to have fun and learn (two favorite things!). Please listen and send feedback. We love your opinions. I have a quick correction. Somewhere in all the talking I said that another karate saying was 'Repetition Beats Intensity' but the actual karate saying is "Consistency Beats Intensity." And we covered that topic back in March. Here is the link:
Other subjects that we touch on today (that were in previous episodes) include:
If Practice Makes Perfect:
Our love of meditation:
And the idea that you get very good at what you do a lot of:
As always, I encourage you to support our sponsor Honor-Athletics:

Support the Show.

We appreciate our listeners so much and hope that you'll get in touch. Reach us all over the web. Facebook and twitter are simply wildcatdojo. However, insta is wildcatdojo conversations. (There's a story there.)
On YouTube (where we are now airing some of our older episodes - complete with a slideshow that I tweak constantly)
And for our webpage, where you can also find all the episodes and see some info about the dojo: .
And of course, we love it when you support our sponsor Honor Athletics. Here is their link:
Thank you for listening.