The Witch Wound lives in the collective and within ourselves, keeping us small, scared and silent by default, and in need of having to do so much work to show up as our full leader selves. If you're a coach, a healer, space holder, or wellbeing practitioner in any way, you would have been labelled a Witch in the past, and whether this is an identity you hold or not, we all hold energy (and often deep-seated fears) around what it means to show up, speak our truth, share our wisdom, and be of service to reclaiming the feminine. As such we have lost our voices, afraid to be our full selves, afraid to lead, to be seen, in case we get taken down and harmed, just as Witches were.

I believe a Witch is a person at home in nature, who honours the seasons and cycles of the earth, her body and our life cycle, and is here to do magick for the highest good of all. She isn't to be feared like Patriarchy would have us believe, but she does hold the frequency of a woman being her full authentic self, working with her powerful gifts, and being unashamed of who she is. There is so much we can learn from meeting our inner Witch! 

Tune in to hear:

What a witch is, and why Samhain is celebrated as the Witches New Year and how you can celebrate it too,How we lost our voices and were silenced by the label ‘Witch’, and how it still affects us to this day,How we can heal our Witch Wound and the Sister Wound (the fear of being outed and harmed by other women) to help us grow our businesses,How me and my client lost our voices as an energetic manifestation of the Witch Wound, A practice to find and reclaim your voice through embodied energetic work,How I’ve worked through fears of being a leader myself to cultivate leadership through voice work and having the right support.If you know you need to work on your reclaiming your voice and leadership, if you know the Witch Wound lives on in you, I would love to support you with this!

Our magickal new container, the Cyclical Business Mastermind, is a place where we can heal this wound, and the sister wound, to be held, heard, championed, inspired and deeply supported by other aligned soul sisters, to help you step into leadership, work on implementing aligned strategies that support ease and flow in your business and life, and to do the deeper embodiment work that will serve you for a life time. 

Right now, until 5th May, I've got an epic early bird offer that's all yours if you apply and accept your place by then. Get the details and the application form at

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Big love,
Charlotte xxx