I'm diving deep and sharing all the juice on what your relationship with your period says about your business. In this episode I'm teaching you how to bring in cyclical business strategy that goes beyond cycle syncing biz tasks to the different energy phases of your menstrual cycle, so you operate on a timeline that honours your phase of life, your body's rhythm, and your desire to be grounded, sustainable, embodied and liberated in how you work. 

If you're here to grow a serious business and make an impact and income, but are here to live and be well over being busy, then you'll want a pen and paper to capture all the practical steps you can take to call in more ease and flow. 

Here's what you can expect:

Understanding what your attitude towards having a period has to do with how you run your business,Identifying scarcity patterns, fears, feelings of unworthiness and how that keeps you out of your power, Bringing in structure to hold your creative, expressive and connecting flow energy that's cyclical - instead of having a rigid daily schedule that doesn't acknowledge your changing energy and mindset, Mapping a year's worth of program launches and delivery around school holidays and menstrual cycles,How to get the juice out of each phase of your menstrual cycle by aligning the right business tasks to the right phase, How to show up as a coach for your clients on your period and when pre-menstrual,The mindset, energy and embodiment work required to do cyclical business,How and why I do concrete business tasks in a cyclical manner instead of daily. I am also sharing the goss on what the Cyclical Business Mastermind is, who its for, why I created it (hint: because it's what I've needed these past few years when growing my biz) with guidance on how to get the very best support from me at the very best price. 
Told you it's a potent episode! If you're a rebel heart who is here to go big and bold on your soul-work whilst saying staying true to your cyclical nature and deep authenticity, this is an ep to set sacred time aside to listen to today.


Cyclical Business Mastermind: Waitlist and detailsYour business your super power ($50 class)

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Ready for more? Deepen with me:

Take the FREE QUIZ to discover your Cyclical Leadership style! Get access to my free cycle wisdom library featuring cycle charts, rituals, cycle-syncing, womb meditations and seasonal playlists Work with me: including 1:1 coaching, my Wild Flow Coven online membership, courses and in-person events Discover the brand new upcoming Cyclical Business Mastermind and join the waitlist

Big love,
Charlotte xxx