Dr. Deborah Carr from Boston University explores “Compound Isolation” with Herb Knoll.

With the onset of the pandemic, your host, Herb Knoll, identifies a new challenge widowers must now face, “Compound Isolation.” The compound isolation is the having to deal with the impact of isolation caused by multiple sources. Widowers tend to isolate themselves for fear they may be viewed as weak. Couple this with the additional isolation that comes from the pandemic and the requirement to stay in our homes, the fear of going out due to riots and so much more, it is no surprise that widowers suffer from depression and other ailments. Join Herb as he interviews Dr. Deborah Carr, department head of Boston University’s Sociology Department and co-author of Herb’s popular book, The Widower’s Journey. Learn what you can do to fend off the challenges of Compound Isolation by listening to this lively yet informative episode.

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Podcast produced at Studio C Creative Sound Recorders in San Diego CA.