Becky Long joins us on the podcast today for a candid interview about how she is rebuilding her life after losing her husband Don in 2022.

My favorite quote from this episode: "This new chapter in my life...I'm gonna play the hell out of it." ~Becky Long

Becky shows so much strength and resilience in this raw and honest interview. We talk about:

~ how she started hiking, journaling, and listening to podcasts to help her cope with the loss.
~ How we should educate ourselves on grief to get a better understanding of what we're going through.
~ How NOT to stay stuck!
~ How you can't rush through the grieving process.
~ How moving to a new condo and making new friends is helping her re-identify with her new self.
~ How we should not put the burden of our own healing on our grown children.
~How it helped her so much to have a vision of who she wanted to be.
~How your healing is your responsibility and no one else's.

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