When you become a widow, suddenly everyone approaches you with some well-intentioned advice. This is one of those 'widow rules' we hear about all the time!

"They" say not to make any big changes in the first year of widowhood. But you have to consider, on an individual basis, if this makes sense to you or not.

Here are some instances where big changes just make more sense!

Have you joined the Widow Squad community yet? Why not? Become a member of this amazing group of widows and start your journey to healing from loss. You don't have to do this alone! 



Join our Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/312036956454927

The Healing Hearts Retreat For Widows is May 5-7, 2023! Will you be joining us! Get in here and save your spot today! https://www.widow180.com/retreat

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