Today's episode was pulled from clips of interviews I have done in the past 2 years on Widow 180: The Podcast. 

I always like to ask my guests how they handle the big milestone dates and holidays. What did they do to get through it? How did they handle the first holiday season as a widow?

And as always, they have some pretty incredible advice to share that I wanted to pass onto you!

If you need extra help this holiday season, be sure to pick up a copy of my book, The Widow's Holiday Guidebook: 45 Days of Self-Reflection, Self-Compassion, And Self-Care.

You can download your copy at

Also, if you are struggling with loneliness, you can download the FREE webinar video presentation called Kick Loneliness To The Curb! Get the video at

And finally, if you would like to be a part of our amazing community of widows, join us at



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