Are you being nice to yourself? Are you treating yourself the same way you would treat your best friend if she were in your situation?

As widows, we put so much pressure on oursleves to have all of the answers right away after we lose our spouse. We are thrown into a new life of unwanted change and we expect ourselves to know exactly what to do. And then we berate ourselves when we don't have the answers!

In this episode, we are using references from self-compassion expert, Kristin Neff, on how we can be kinder to ourselves.

She talks about 3 components to self-compassion that we can incorporate into our lives when feeling times of stress.

You can find more info on Kristen Neff at:

Also, doors are open now for our NEW program, Rediscovery Through Writing! A Creative Grief Writing Program For Widows. We're starting Monday October 3 at 7:30pm EST.

This is 4 weeks of live Zoom calls with group coaching, creative writing, exercises, guided journaling, poetry to help you work through the grief and discover who you are again!

Get more info and sign up at

Email me if you have anyquestions or comments at [email protected]

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