Shay is an author and her book has just hit the Best Seller list on Amazon in it's second day of release! Get your copy here (Be better than you: you already have everything you need to take your life to the next level By Shay Stone) on audio or paperback. This helps support Shay and the WhyMeMovement continue to create great content for you.

Shay is an animator and photographer – a creative soul like myself and perhaps one of the reasons I picked up on her fantastic energy. Shay and I connected through Clubhouse, and when I heard her share a small part of her story, and her perspective on life, I knew I needed to invite her onto my show for you. 

Her work in tv, film and the gaming industry has given Shay the opportunity to stretch her skills in acting and creating wonderful experiences for others. I’ve been following Shay on Instagram, and her posts are inspiring and full of invitations to view another perspective, to shift limiting beliefs and to step into your unique power of potential.

With affirmations like “You didn’t come this far to only come this far….” Demonstrates the understanding Shay has for what drives herself and others forward on their journey.

Life has not always been easy, and Shay is here today to share with you, some of her whyme moments, including her recent journey through the grief of losing her mother. Shay posted an image of her mother on IG that took my breath away. 

It was accompanied with the following prose, if I may quote Shay, 

I’d like to start off by acknowledging the strongest, most brilliant beautiful black leader I’ve ever known. My Mother & Best Friend. 🕊

The Strength and Will within this woman is unmatched and incomparable to anyone I’ve ever met, seen, known or even heard of.
That’s no bias, that’s real. Her story and everything about her exudes Faith, unfathomable Strength and Determination — Hell, you can see it in her eyes.
A heart of Pure Gold and the Truest Definition of a Leader.
A woman of meaning, with very few words. Growing up, she gave me the space to figure things out. This, while she’d lead by Example. She’s always shown the way, more so than told — and continued to, literally up until her very last breath. I’ll never comprehend how she found herself to do the things she’s done, but I’m forever grateful she did - I am who I am because of it.
Thank you to my beautiful, strong black woman & mother, Ms. Glenda Stone. ❤️🕊
And all the black warriors and creators of this world. 🙏🏾❤️
Not to forget, those of us who are striving to be and do the same NOW.

You can contact Shay at her

Shay's recommended reading is for the book Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! By Robert T Kiyosaki and you can get your own copy right here on Amazon*.

Do you know the difference between and dream and a goal? 

Spoiler alert! It's the movement! The action you take. That's the big secret. 

That's where the WhyMeMovement is all about the actions we take including the decisions we make - discovering the opportunities to grow and learn through adversity. Vera-Lee has a special interest in helping people on a weight loss  journey, particularly those who relate to morbid obesity, former/forever athletes, pre or post weight loss surgery, chronic illness and disability. Vera-Lee understands how to help you with the emotional and mental side of weight loss and conditioning, using a combination of techniques and allied professionals to best support your unique needs.

She is a forever athlete who applies techniques for calm yet powerful coaching/mentoring sessions to help you achieve goals and improve your personal and professional confidence in every area of your life.

If you really want to achieve results in your life and you are ready to commit to the process with Vera-Lee, who understands what it is like to overcome adversity, time and time again, you can book your discovery call now by clicking this link  to find out how she can help you overcome your obstacles and rediscover passion and confidence to set and achieve those goals you desire. Vera-Lee has a specific interest in helping others with discovering a new approach to weight loss for people with disabilities, chronic illness, and who have been and are forever athletes and now dealing with unfamiliar territory of weight issues after a competitive career.

Vera-Lee provides one to one and group coaching Click here to start the conversation on social media with Vera-Lee and experience her unique ability to help guide you through to your optimal state of living. Vera-Lee is from Australia and has an extensive background in Education, Sports Coaching and Business Administration and Leadership with Management Consulting. 

If you thought of someone who might find value in this podcast episode today, you can share the link and use it as an opportunity to let this person know you are thinking of them today, continuing the connection and relationships that foster hope and togetherness.

Support the podcast and movement with a small donation here or contact Vera-Lee to discuss a sponsorship for the show to help our impact reach even further and inspire, connect and empower more people who want to life life to their fullest capacity. We appreciate your support to help the ongoing costs involved with producing this show for people in over 20 countries (at the time of this release).

Vera-Lee launched in the top 30 iTunes charts in multiple countries after her training with the PPA, has a loyal and growing audience who love the content being produced. Many ask what equipment is being used for her audio/video set up, podcasting  Microphone headphones  pop filter green screen and backdrop stand  microphone (shotgun) for DSLR video 

*Affiliate commissions may be earned through the product links and is an easy way to help support the WhyMePodcast and WhyMeMovement whilst gaining value for yourself or gifting a present to a friend. 

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