Peppermint mochas, mulled wine, cheese boards (duh), pine needles, holiday candles, shopping lists, and all of it has the potential to be so lovely... and so, expensive. If you're not careful, you can dig a hole of debt, and a soul crushing mountain of anxiety, trying to do all the things and please all the people. BUT WE GOT YOU! Holidays are better on a budget. Sure, it might require grown-up conversations (no, I can't participate in a gift exchange this year, but I'd love to come and party!), and it might mean stretching decor, or getting better storage, but who can put a price on SANITY?! We'll tell you: NO ONE. Save your money. Love your people. Resist the urge for more and discover clarity and contentment.

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To find out more about Ashley's writing, speaking, or books visit her site at Find her on Instagram: