Gratitude brings so much joy (unless you're complaining and Sister So & So and her Brother Bob are so happy you could die). Also, joy is vulnerable. It takes courage to celebrate, especially when things aren't going great or when we're waiting for breakthrough. Still, gratitude is like engine oil for gumption. When we practice gratefulness, we are less likely to envy others, surrender to discontent, or feel like nothing is ever enough. We are more connected, more able to stay present in the daily moments of life, giving our best where we are. That's gumption - the will to continue living out our purpose, fulfilling our responsibilities, and giving our best to the people right in front of us. We don't want to make light of the very real challenges we all go through; at the same time, we know that habitual gratitude will produce a happier mental state, healthier lifestyle, and we want that for you!

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