We talk about:

Losing so much - Dad, a serious boyfriend, friends, and a job… ...only to find & create the life of her dreams. Working a job that you hate and that you know isn't it for you. “This definitely isn’t the answer, so let me go try something else.” “If you want something bad enough - or don’t want something bad enough - you are probably willing to work 2-3 other jobs.” Getting out of the paralysis of fear. “What’s the cost of staying here?” Having the courage to take one step backward to a giant leap forward. Letting go of what other people think about you and your journey. The critical nature of tapping into a higher purpose and why spirituality helps… but isn’t necessarily necessary.



Guest info:


IG: https://www.instagram.com/maximumpotency/


Why the World Needs You Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/whytheworldneedsyoucommunity/

Ben’s Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/benjamin.m.fritz



Intro/outro music:

Jeff II - Wait For Me
