What’s a family’s role to a loved one who’s dealing with addiction? Chris and Lisa discussed the family’s involvement in healing from addiction. Making the phone call can make a big, significant change, especially since 90% of people with addiction don’t get help for it as it’s a general thinking for others to help them once that person hits rock bottom. They also discussed the misconceptions about addiction, treatments, and going to rehabs. There’s always an intervention: love as the first method is a much better route than the threat of jail time.

Links and Resources from this Episode

https://whyintervention.com/ https://twitter.com/whyintervention https://www.facebook.com/whyintervention/?ref=br_rs Connect with Lisa Badgley https://www.lisabadgley.com/ 

Show Notes Introducing Lisa Badgley. - 0:37 Looking back: How Lisa started in the treatment field - 1:49 The key benefits of having an interventionist. - 4:35 Intervention is so important because you’re involving the family as the greatest support throughout the process, helping a person who’s struggling. - 8:51 When did Lisa first start working with families? - 11:03 Feeling helpless and not knowing what to do. - 14:46 When it comes to addiction, the reaction from your loved ones depends on your reaction. - 19:08 Advice to families who are hesitant to make the first phone call. - 23:35 The person with addiction can’t put the shovel down. - 28:49 The minute you get some red flags and you think someone is in trouble, make that phone call. - 33:57 What’s love’s first process? - 41:27 If you don’t believe that there’s a way out of this, like your loved one can’t get better, then they won’t. - 55:22 Make that phone call. Don’t wait until that person is a hundred feet down. The earlier you do it, the easier it is to get it done. - 57:44 How can people connect with Lisa and make that phone call? - 58:28

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