In this episode Claudine explains the difference between friendships that live in scarcity vs friendships that live in abundance. Her findings are based on personal stories and experiences as well as her findings in the book called Mindset by Carol Dweck. She moves from a closed mindset to an open mindset and finds freedom and plenty in her friendships today.

The Scarcity mindset believes the people of this world all pull form a tiny little chocolate cake. Every time you share your gifts, wisdom, experience, resources or time with others, they will be getting a piece of that little cake and there will be less or none left for you. There is only one tiny cake and this huge world draws from it.  They may things like: Nothing ventured, nothing lost crowd. If at first you don’t succeed, you probably don’t have the ability. If Rome wasn’t built in a day, maybe it wasn’t meant to be.

People who have an abundance mindset, believe there isn’t just one tiny little chocolate cake that the world pulls from. They  believe that there are many huge and giant chocolate cakes. Abundance minded people are in the kitchen making more cakes. They recruit their best friend(s) and they clear the counters and make cake! We are feeding the entire world, so let’s get to work!  This adds to their own world and never takes from it! If the cakes are running low, more cake is being made! There’s no lack of ingredients, supplies and they delight in sharing their cakes. There is enough.

They may say things like: Nothing Ventured, Nothing  gained!  If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!  Rome wasn’t built in a day!  You win, you win!

Just imagine what an abundant friendship would look like. We have a chance to enhance each other’s development and to validate each other. We are not each other’s competition.  We get to share wisdom and demonstrate courage to spur growth for our friends.  Let’s not withhold. Let’s be generous with our time, resources, and experience. Let’s show our next generation how we do things to pave a way for others. Let;s show them where we were scared and needed courage which gives them courage.  We get to reassure our friends of their fine qualities. Now is the time to do this. This is the time to give reassurance to one another.  Compliment genuinely. Encourage ladies and take note. Be specific. Let them know they are seen. These are the occasions to provide support and to give a growth message to our friends. Speak the truth in love and humility.

Check out this episode to find out how to achieve abundance in your relationships.

Claudine is a Registered Dietitian and Exercise Physiologist that believes in whole body health. She created a term that encompasses her mission to spread the good news of total health: Wholistic Greatness.

Wholistic Greatness is achieved when all three roots of health are met. The three roots of total health are physical, mental, and emotional health. Meeting the needs of the mind, body, and soul will create Wholistic Greatness.

Join Claudine as she invites you to embrace physical, mental, and emotional health. Not only is she considered an expert in her field, but experts that focus on health and wellness will be a part of this show discuss how to keep growing into wholistic health.