- For someone who is getting started with wholesaling, wholesaling is a process of getting a property under contract and then selling that contract to an end buyer.

- One mindset attribute of a successful wholesaler is relentless pursuit. In includes a lot more than just not giving up. There is adversity and self-doubt. There will be a certain amount of adversity or certain areas for growth that are exposed in one’s life. Whether it's self-doubt, limiting beliefs, but one has to push through that. The difference between somebody that succeeds and somebody that doesn't is relentless pursuit.

- The magic number to answer the question how long one should market their first deal is “Until” they get a deal.

- Whenever you're reaching an obstacle that you can't overcome, stop and ask yourself, “What more can I do to rise above my current circumstances to achieve the results I desire?”

- Relentless pursuit is refusing to give up. It's finding a way. It's not, “Can it be done? It's how can it be done? It is that mindset when you're faced with adversity because you will only lose until you win, or fail until you succeed. So if you're running from failure, you're running from success.

- In wholesaling, the mindset of marketing is truly an investment. It’s putting risk for some sort of potential return. It would be how much work you put in because it is going to give you experience. This mindset shift and growth is a byproduct of taking that leap of faith and exposing oneself to a growth mindset.

- For any business who especially start-ups, one of the things from a mindset shift that a person/business has to go through is not feeling like you have to be perfect at it and knowing how to do everything before you actually get started. A lot of people may tell that they want to get started on a certain business and they probably tell you everything they know about it, but they never really got started. Most people give up before they even get started.

- In any business that you're getting ready to start, the whole thing is you don't have to know every stage of it. You don't have to be perfect. Be ready to fail. If you're entrepreneur, it's not that you are going to fail. It's going to be what you do once you fail. How fast you get back up and you learn?

Key Quotes:
“Becoming an entrepreneur is the greatest self-discovery process you'll ever experience”

“If you give up before you hit pay dirt, you're not going to succeed. But if you can push through, find your why dig down deep, whatever it takes to overcome the obstacles that are in front of you and achieve the results you want.”

“You are where you are, and there's something that you could do. Something more you could do to overcome where you are right now.”

“You can also be consistent but that doesn't mean that you're actually pushing forward. It just means that you're doing the same thing over and over, probably at about the same pace.”

“Don't be afraid to fail. Don’t wait on perfection, you can't possibly overcome every scenario”

If you are in a real estate business or a wholesaler who got some questions and want them answered, feel free to connect with the guys at their Facebook Group: Wholesale Nation
IG @undreaking , @_andyspeed_