In today’s episode, Melissa speaks about the power in releasing control and shares exact steps to let go to create even more joy and certainty in your life. Here’s the thing with control - when we’re in control, we’re trying to play “God” with our own lives - meanwhile blocking the universe from giving us what it is we really want from the path of least resistance. 


The bottom line is, you’re not allowing room for support from anyone or anything in your life - making you feel like you always need to control, strive and struggle to create the results you want. You make life challenging this way - you’re cutting off those who love you and want to support you by your tight grip. 


Melissa talks about her life-altering career change that brought her to pursue her passion for coaching and helping women. But the thing she felt called to help women with, was the very thing Melissa struggled with - her weight but she discovered it wasn’t actually the weight she was pained by; it was her lack of love for herself - her denial of her true self and critical inner voice that kept her stuck and always pushing instead of trusting and allowing. 


As an ex-controller, she’s witnessed first-hand the power in letting go and shares how you experience a greater sense of control and certainty when you release and let go.  


Melissa dives deep into this in today’s episode, while giving you the exact tools you need to trust and allow so that you can have the freedom and flow you’ve been wanting in your life, mirrored by magical manifestations greater than your imagination.


Brief Outline:


When we’re in control, it’s like we’re playing God in our life.  Being too controlling, we don’t allow family and friends who love us and want to support us. Huge life changes are scary and stressful and cause us to grasp even greater for a sense of control.  As humans, once we master one thing, we want to move on and master something else. We all have struggles and millions struggle with their weight. Melissa points out that it’s not actually the weight that we are struggling with - it’s the lack of self love.  We love the feeling of control - because we think that through control we’ll be able to determine our outcome.  Controllers will typically receive guidance but they never listen because they have their own agenda and disallow universal support - blocking them from something greater than their mind can conceive. Your ego = your mind is based on human experience only. Our minds are set up for survival.  Our mind only knows what we’ve taught it. For example, when you were born, you were a “light being”. You were only of love and light. There was no concept or understanding around hurt or sadness. Then you had human experiences of people telling you things that were created into stories and thus you created your identity around your experience and others words and projections.  Steps to create a new identity. Create how your ideal day would go in your ideal world, being your ideal self. What does that look like? Write it down. Record it on your phone. Read/listen to it every morning and every night to program your subconscious mind.  We have to release control by listening to that still quiet voice within us that says this is your next step.  Your mind will say no.  You will come up with reasons why this isn’t a good idea. Identify with who we really want to be and how we want to operate in the world. We want to recognize the stories aren't serving us and choose to release them and let go.  Next, look at what we are gaining by having such a tight grip on everything.   Now we sit here and wonder what we’re going to do: How does she feel? How does she look? How does she act? We’re scared that we won’t like who we are if we get still and tap into those places we’ve been afraid to feel.  We’re afraid of what’s on the other side.  Control is created as a protection mechanism.  Perfectionism is a disease that robs us from finding true peace and happiness in life. Repeat this all day, every day: I LET GO AND I’M IN FLOW. Women ran the world before men took over.  Queens do not allow disrespect of any kind. They invest in themselves.  A queen commands and demands attention, honor and respect.  Take time to connect to yourself - to your inner queen.  Remind yourself daily and repeat: I let go and I’m in flow. Allow others to show up for us.  Melissa encourages you to release control today and practice being in flow. 


What You’ll Learn:

How to release control but feeler an even greater sense of certainty The power in letting others in and how to do with colleagues, employees and loved ones Allowance and flow come from this 1 practice Discover how to create a new identity that you can love today How to operate in the world as a Queen and what that means Exact steps to release control and practice being in flow 







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