Welcome to the second installment of land management with Land & Legacy Welcome to the second installment of land management with Land & Legacy. Sponsored by, provided by, offered by Whitetail Rendezvous Podcast. And I have Matt Dye, who is the owner, he and Adam Keith own Land & Legacy. Matt, today we’re going to talk about boots on the ground. The last segment we talked about why land management. And, folks, if you haven’t listened to that, go to my website, whitetailrendezvous.com, and go back and… I don’t remember the number right now, but it’s there. And just look for this miniseries and, you know, listen to that because that will help you understand what we’re going to talk about today, boots on the ground. Matt, so we answered the question, I called up and said, you know, I got a 40-acre, 120 acres, and I want somebody to put eyes on it. And you helped me understand why, you know, land management was important to me and my buddies on our farm. Now we’re going to go boots on the ground, so tell us about that process in the next 20, 30 minutes. Matt: Yeah, absolutely. This is where the fun, fun portion happens. Because we’ve already established that, okay, based on your hunting seasons, your success or failures, or just overall knowledge of the habitat, that something needs to change. Something isn’t clicking, it’s not working, you’re not seeing what you want to see, you want to see improvements. So we’ve established that land management is necessary on your property and now we are actually able to take action and get all the information Adam and I need to be able to make our proper recommendations. Receive a $50 goHUNT Gear Shop Gift Card by using code WR when joining Insider http://bit.ly/2s8dX5k Here’s a quick demo about goHUNT.com/insider https://youtu.be/YFNMzEUtcys Whitetail Rendezvous podcast receives compensation each time a new member joins Insider via our link