Matt Dye of Land & Legacy … And I’m on with Matt Dye this morning, he’s with Land & Legacy. He and Adam Keith started Land & Legacy a while back and they’re just doing gangbusters. And they do land management, but it’s a heck of a lot more than that. So we just got together and said, “Let’s do a little series this spring,” and that’s what we’re doing. And today is Part 1 and this is land management, Part 2 is going to come up later on and we’re going to talk about food plots with Land & Legacy. But today we’re going to break it down in three parts. We’re going to break it down into, one, why land management. Two, boots on the ground. And, three, the plan. And it will be a 30-minute segment, so I’m going to break them up into three different segments for your listening to make it easier so you don’t have to listen to the whole thing straight through and wonder, “Oh, I want to get back to that place.” So we’re going to make it easy. A native of Virginia, Matt Dye got his start in the outdoors at a very young age. His family’s farming and hunting background has guided him through his education and career dedicated to land and wildlife management. Matt’s goal is to educate others in land conservation while reaching folks through the enjoyment of God’s Creation. Land (n): ground or soil of a specified situation, nature, or quality ​”Harmony with land is like harmony with a friend; you cannot cherish his right hand and chop off his left.” – Aldo Leopold Legacy (n): something received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past. “Jesus shows us how to leave a legacy, a legacy of glory, His glory, not ours. If, by His grace, we become humble, dependent, proven, focused, persevering, obedient, and faithful men and women who focus our lives on making the Father known to those He gives to us, we will leave a legacy of glory. Not our glory, but His, the glory He wants to give to the Father through us.” What greater legacy could we leave? “The legacy we leave is the life we lead, the life of Christ in us and through us passed on to others in the power of the Holy Spirit.” ( Receive a $50 goHUNT Gear Shop Gift Card by using code WR when joining Insider . Whitetail Rendezvous podcast receives compensation each time a new member joins Insider via our link. Here’s a quick demo about