If you are a busy professional juggling the demands of work, home, family, and everything else life throws your way, you may often find yourself in a position where you are continuously putting everyone else’s needs before your own—whether it’s your partner, children, aging parents, pets, etc. You get so caught taking care of everyone else that you cast aside your dreams and desires, primarily because you simply don’t have enough time, or worse, you’ve gotten to a point where you no longer know what you are passionate about or what your dreams ever were to begin with. Today, Jen and Natasha share helpful tips to help you find your passions and what your heart desires.

Today’s affirmation: When I do what I love and share my joy with others, I live my passion.

Success, financial freedom, balance – whatever you want to create in your life, you can have it and In the Life of Zen can help you get there. Sometimes all it takes to achieve your goals is a tribe of people cheering you on and wanting you to succeed. For more powerful tools to help you succeed in business and in life, visit www.inthelifeofzen.com.