On this episode, Jen and Natasha talk about affirmations and mantras, their benefits, the science behind them, and how to best use them during stressful times. Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to overcome negative thoughts. A great way to look at them is as a form of exercise. Many of us do repetitive exercises to improve our physical health, and we can consider affirmations a form of exercises for our mind and outlook. A few affirmations/mantras to relieve stress include:

· It is acceptable to say “no” to others and “yes” to myself.

· When I take deep, intentional breaths my body relaxes, and my mind feels at ease.

· Joy is a choice and readily available to me.

· I am in control of where my thoughts flow and have the power to settle my mind

· I make time to nourish my mind, soul, and body.

· Taking the time to rest and recharge fuels my soul and make me healthy and whole.

· I radiate love towards others.

· With every breath I take, I become more at peace and feel my body and mind relaxing.

· I trust the process and chose to focus on light and love.

· I choose positive thoughts and focus on the bright side in all situations.

· I take breaks to clear my head and improve my ability to make better decisions.

· I am safe and at peace. I let go of worry about anything I cannot control and easily handle the tasks that I can.

Gain access to free affirmations/mantras on our website at https://inthelifeofzen.com/free-tools/.

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