What does it mean to really pray for your child? We all know what prayer is and we know the power of prayer. But do we know how to effectively pray? 


This week Bethany dives into what it means to pray for our children and the effect this can have on motherhood. 


It is one thing to tell someone you will pray for them, but it's another thing to be a woman who defines her life by prayer. 


How often are we actually turning to God in prayer? Too many times we tend to say “I got this God” and attempt to handle it ourselves. 


Psalm 116: 1-2 reminds us that even in the smallest moment, God hears us. No matter what messy moment you are dealing with in  motherhood right now, God hears you and he wants to offer his help. We were never meant to tackle this alone. 


Not only is God listening, but he wants to hear from you! You can grab Bethany’s free prayer guide here to learn more about praying effectively for your children. 

Don’t forget to follow Bethany on Instagram @bethanykimsey and check out her website https://bethanykimsey.com for more tips on handling the messiest of moments in motherhood with God’s grace.