Welcome to the kitchen table! 


Christmas can be hard! Do you ever feel like you make all these plans for fun activities, crafts, or devotionals to do with you kids, and then none of it gets done? It can leave you feeling like a failure. In this week’s episode Bethany shares with every mom that this is just not true! We cannot measure ourselves by what we do, but how we do it. God isn’t worried about you completing a devotional book. He isn’t limited by how well or how poorly you believe you have fleshed out the fullness of Jesus' birth. This does not hold him back from showing how much he loves your child based on anything you do or fail to do. These were simply just short-term goals you had for this Christmas season.

What if we looked at Christmas with more of a long term vision? That we are pivoting our children back to Jesus in the everyday mundane things. That IS the Christmas story! In every moment, Jesus came for you! It is great to have short term goals in Christmas, but hold them loosely. We want to see the long-term vision of continual pivoting to point them to Jesus. 

 Don’t forget to follow Bethany on Instagram @bethanykimsey and check out her website https://bethanykimsey.com to share what Christmas traditions are a staple in your house! 

 May this Christmas season be the best that you have had! 

You can grab Bethany’s free prayer guide here to learn more about praying effectively for your children.