Did you know that the US Government values a human life at $10 Million? So in the time of COVID, the argument goes, your freedom is worth $10 Million? Or have we gone so far afield of where we should have gone that there’s really no way to put a value on our lives anymore? The models were off, but models (except for Cindy Crawford) are pretty much ALWAYS wrong, but it’s looking more and more like the ones used to eviscerate the economy were as wrong as six rabbits*.  Nobody seems to have the same concern over the rise in suicides and motor deaths that they have over people going back to work or walking about without a mask.

Rod is watching a show about life after death... kind of... While Dave took a friend’s recommendation and turned on Kim’s Convenience. For some reason that defies any reasonable explanation, he also watched snow pisser. Ahem… Snowpiercer

*That is an old Oklahoma way to say that they make no sense, just like the saying.